By Crys
nezza posted a comment on Monday 16th April 2007 9:07am
nice update lots of different things going on and you partialy wrapped up the snape issue but i guess he will be back.
i also like the way your harry used logical debate with albus but i also think you need to move things a long a little bit with regards to the albus situation.
thats just me though otherwise it was a great update if a little long in coming, but then i expect updates hourly then get depressed and suicidal when their not there :)
keep up the good work!!
Ishtar posted a comment on Monday 16th April 2007 8:17am
Hmmm. While it may be that Snape's attitude is due to a botched try to fix things, I'm more than a little bit suspicious that Albus set it up deliberately. Why, I don't know. Possibly to keep Harry's attention divided between Voldemort and Snape and force him into Albus's influence. The question is whether Albus is doing this out of blind confidence that he is right, or whether he's being actively malicious and wants to make sure that he remains the dominant force in Wizarding politics. I look forward to finding out.
Wolfric posted a comment on Monday 16th April 2007 8:15am
Thanks for the welcome new chapter; I continue to be very fond of your story. An interesting question, whether Snape's attitude has been tampered with or enhanced, I tend to think most people tend to be irrational on some particular subject, of course your opinion is the one most relevant to the story. Thanks again and please keep up the good work. W.
Kinsfire posted a comment on Monday 16th April 2007 8:01am
Why do I have this horrifying suspicion that the way that Snivelly focuses so hard on Harry and the Marauders is due to a botched attempt to fix things by Albus?
As usual, an excellent chapter, Crys.
harryjerry posted a comment on Monday 16th April 2007 7:35am
I say they just kill all convicted D.E.'s and get it done with, in no story that ive read has Azkaban been even remotely effective, its just such a bad society that im suprised that the wizarding population was still existant at this should have destroyed itself decades, or more, ago.
Jim_xinu posted a comment on Monday 16th April 2007 7:13am
Exciting chapter. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Christopher Estep posted a comment on Monday 16th April 2007 7:13am
Something seriously smells. Why *would* Snape screw with the Wolfsbane now? Tonks *would* know of Snape's effects on the Slytherins (since she was one); even Harry and Shack are confused. Harry did indeed take the necessary action; however, Harry is far from finished with this. Something doesn't add up, and for Harry's piece of mind, he will likely findout why.
HermioneGreen posted a comment on Monday 16th April 2007 6:51am
fantabulous chapter! I love the way the castle was able to offer assistance, even to the point of send messengers at just the cry of "help". Keep up the good work.
thanks for sharing
Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Monday 16th April 2007 6:22am
Oh, my!! Severus did mess up big time. I wonder if he really expected to get away with it? In any case, it appears that Harry was at least prepared and watching rather than being caught by surprise (surprise being defined as when what you think you're seeing doesn't match well with what's actually going on).
It seems that Albus Dumbledore is still letting his predjudices and unverified assumptions run away with him; one hopes that he'll learn before they burn him in this universe.
Sythe posted a comment on Sunday 15th April 2007 8:50am
Why I continue to read until chapter 10? Why do you even have to ask? That just prove how much you mistook my review which was constructive criticsm, albeit a bit harsh at that. I don't not like your fanfiction. I just hate fanfic that lack concrete logical thoughts on the preceding of the story and character development, which this fanfic of yourr is. The humor is okay ...if you put it in an acceptable amount. But you practically bombarded in this fic. A little is good, too much is definitely not. I normally don't even grace badly though-out fics a review, much less a constructive one. Those like yours was the worse. Why? Well, you got the writing style and all, you just had to botch up in the planning process. Sorry for being so rude and crude, but it's like you are this close to release, and suddenly find that you just can't get off. How do you like that then?
Sythe posted a comment on Friday 13th April 2007 6:37am
Oh, please! Talk about being both a wimp and a sap. You aren't even on the same level as what've seen around here. Harry diving into the heart of an attack is a complete illogical cliche', espeically after one such foolish action resulted in the death of his god-father. Fainting after thinking he killed someone? Your Harry is a complete moron. What does he think he'll probably have to do when he enter into the whole Voldermort-hunting business? Maybe he didn't think at all. Maybe YOU didn't think at all. And the attempt at humour was a completely awkward failure. I didn't even twitch my lips at any one of them.
Seems like after all, this is just another typical male/self-ego-flattering fic, like the thousands out there. Do me a favor please. Think BEFORE you write.
Goddamnit, I've wasted my time here. Why did I even write this review in the 1st place?
Crys replied:
Harry's Gryffindor heritage wins out. Jumping in where angels fear to tread and all that.
As you clearly dislike the story (and my writing overall), then I'm just curious on why you read 10 chapters of this story. If you hated it that badly, why continue reading?
marcelhm posted a comment on Thursday 5th April 2007 12:22am
well I can honoustly say I'm realy liking this story, from the original pairing till the way hary gets more powerful but not omnipotent. and doesn't agree with dumbledore blindly but doesn't just personally attacks him. keep up the good work and I'll try and keep giving the reviews ^^
ps. the only part in this story that weirds me out are all the titles since lucius for instance never is adressed with his title in any of the books etc. on the other hand it does give this story that defining charactaristic
Arvin Betancourt posted a comment on Thursday 29th March 2007 9:10am
love this story, please update soon
yeehaw posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 4:11am
Brilliant story, I really do hope you will update soon :) I really like the chemistry between the characters and if possible please put more Laura "moments" into the story :)
Zel posted a comment on Friday 16th March 2007 1:46pm
Lol, nice author's note... I agree, I don't think there is any proof in canon that say dementors can fly. This story is - is - absolutely squee worthy to say the least, lol. Great job! ~Zel*
Jake posted a comment on Wednesday 14th March 2007 10:10am
Hey, great story so far. I love stories where Harry comes into his own politically as well as magically and you've written it very well. Keep up the wonderful work and update soon!
Carol Layland-Veach posted a comment on Wednesday 14th March 2007 8:56am
Hwllo, I am an faithful fan of HP as well as being a retired English and History Teacher. I have to admid that I feel that this work is one of the best that I have read. I did not even see any dangling phrases. The plot is well constructed and well conceived offering as it does another whole concept of the HP universe. The only question I have is in your use of the word magician as opposed to the more formaal and explicit designation of Wizard. To me magician is an entertainer not a person who uses natural body electrical energies to manipulate the physical world around them. The manipulation of the physical aspects of the physical world is where the term Wizard applies most cogently. Please think about this and consider if perhaps wizardry is a plssibility in reality???
Most respectfully Carol Layland-Veach Teacber Emeritus.
Crys replied:
My use of the word "magician" is intentional, despite being non-canonical.
The word "wizard" has a gender bias. "Magician" does not.
The "magician" you're thinking of, David Copperfield and the like, are actually illusionists. You're correct, though, in that they're also commonly called "stage magicians".
I'm sorry if you can't get past my use of "magician" where nobody else seems to, but I'm trying to subtly tweek the nose of convention. Why is it acceptable to refer to a group by a gender specific pronoun when a non-gender pronoun can be used?
Thanks for reviewing.
SerendipitousNightcrawler posted a comment on Monday 5th March 2007 7:25am
Great chapter, especially how well the DA worked together, not to mention that the other students obeyed them for all intents and purposes. Next thing you know they'll be using military hand gestures so as to avoid dealing with the Sonorus Charm.
As for Harry being Ginny's patronus, I have to admit that I don't care for that angle. Not that hers wouldn't have some tie to Harry, but rather that it's human rather than an animal. After all, Harry didn't know that James was an animigus, so why didn't he produce James rather than Prongs? Same thing with Tonks and Remus, her patronus was the werewolf, not the person. I think actually that JKR has said that patroni were animals/creatures, but I don't recall where. Maybe with Harry being the Heir of Gryffindor, her patronus could be a lion?
Other than that very insignificant detail though, I loved the chapter and I love the story and can't wait until the next update.
Anaknisatanas posted a comment on Tuesday 20th February 2007 4:18am
Finally Dumbledore doesn't use Harry's first name. I really liked this chapter a lot. It was interesting to see how everyone dealt with the Dementor attack.
haphazard1 posted a comment on Monday 16th April 2007 9:54am