By Crys
DrT posted a comment on Friday 31st July 2009 8:39pm
H'mmm, 12,000 galleons doesn't match the mounds of gold described in book one . . . wonder what Gringotts is up to. . . .
Crys replied:
Okay, a "mound of gold" to an 11 year old, minus seven years worth of tuition, room and board, and spending money. Then Harry asks for both girls' school expenses to be paid.
Who says 12k galleons isn't accurate? Okay, in canon it's implied to be a lot, but I'm not going to go with "Harry's rich as the Malfoys" here.
Sorry, no conspiracy to steal from the orphan here.
E5150 posted a comment on Friday 31st July 2009 8:33pm
HAHA! Now that is an evil cliffhanger!
Somehow I doubt the scene Harry see's isn't what my pervy mind wants it to be. But I can still hope. :P
Excellent chapter, looking forward to more.
Crys replied:
Actually it probably is (or is at least close) to what your pervy mind wants.
But the rating of this story is Teen+, and I won't be exceeding it.
miahtech posted a comment on Friday 31st July 2009 6:50pm
I'm finding this story interesting. Look forward to where you take it.
Jeff Bernstein posted a comment on Friday 31st July 2009 5:16pm
Good story, it is hard to wait two weeks between chapters (but I guess good writing takes time) Considering Dumbledore's actions so far I am guessing that Harry's funds are not quite as low as he was lead to believe, at least I hope so, since he has three people he has to support
Wolfric posted a comment on Friday 31st July 2009 3:20pm
Good chapter. Thanks for writing. W.
pfeil posted a comment on Friday 31st July 2009 3:09pm
Good to see Ron remaining in character.
Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Friday 31st July 2009 3:02pm
*chuckle* The poor boy is going to have qutie a time adjusting to these two and the situation he's found himself in. It should be qutie interesting to see how all of them make the best of it; I daresay he's going to need to make some severe adjustments, as will his two concubines.
whatareyouevensaying posted a comment on Friday 31st July 2009 2:51pm
What a tease that was! Still a good update...I'm glad you went the sensible route with the in-laws being grateful. Pity I can't say the same for Ron. Any chance you're setting him up for a failure with his own significant other?
Looking forward to more.
Crys replied:
> Any chance you're setting him up for a failure with his own significant other?
Who, me? *innocent whistling*I have mentioned I don't like Ron, right?
Thanks for reviewing.
Peter Clark posted a comment on Friday 31st July 2009 2:43pm
Who would have thought that at the end he would walk into a threesome between Snape, Draco and Great Dane named Phil?
Crys replied:
Not a Great Dane; Phil is a pit bull.
No, sorry, what he saw was nothing quite so disturbing.
dennisud posted a comment on Friday 31st July 2009 2:10pm
Wow I'm surprised that Hermione Or any 'liberal' wizard or witch would not have already started to change the laws here. But that being the main crux of the story, I see things getting a lot worse for the trio than ever, and I also see hermione becoming a target by Lucius and the DE's maybe imperiusing her parents to try to make her and say add Ginny or Luna chattel contracts too!
But being more real they and the rest of those Harry cares for have become bigger targets now!
Crys replied:
The Wizengamot (legislative body) is run by pureblood wizard geezers for the benefit of pureblood wizard geezers. Any liberalism gets stomped by the establishment, hence a world still living like the Victorian era morality and ignoring the muggle world.
Thanks for reviewing
kb0 posted a comment on Friday 31st July 2009 1:55pm
It's nice to see this chapter come up. I see Harry still has a lot to learn, but he is learning slowly. It's also good to see T/D helping him do the right thing with little pointers. I also like how you've written Nev.
Nice implication there at the end... ;-)
mwinter posted a comment on Friday 31st July 2009 1:52pm
I hope that Harry is able by way of finding a loop hole or by doing away with the law making hem his wives before or after he destroys Voldmorte
howard kammerer posted a comment on Friday 31st July 2009 12:58pm
oh that's an evil cliffie! Although I can only imagine that the two girls are wearing nothing but a bow *GRIN*
nice chapter, thanks for the quick update
DJ posted a comment on Friday 31st July 2009 12:46pm
Nice job I like what you are doing eith Ron a jurk but not a mean jurk. Can't wait to see what stoped Harry in his tracks. LOL Keep it up.
James Barber posted a comment on Friday 31st July 2009 12:13pm
oooh it must be nice to look at two absolutely gorgeous women standing there buck arse naked waiting on their master to come to bed, or are they lying down on the bed!?!
What's this about he only having 12 thousand galleons, seems to me that slipnot or whatever his name was is hiding something or probably stole form him...
Jeffrey Meehan posted a comment on Friday 31st July 2009 10:52am
Oh please please please update soon
LifeScientist posted a comment on Friday 31st July 2009 10:39am
Nice cliffy.
Joey3 posted a comment on Friday 31st July 2009 10:27am
Oh poor young Harry... so much to learn about the wiles of women who are now secure in the knowledge that they are married to a wonderful man.
Ron is being the absolute twit as usual I see.
Particle_Accelerator posted a comment on Thursday 30th July 2009 3:14pm
Loving it so far! I really liked the post ball scene with the girls (especially Hermione's reaction to his entrance!) I always found it odd that JKR never had Harry's friends really address his pre-Hogwarts living situation...
"Bars on the windows, you say? How remakable... let's play quidditch."
Keep up the most excellent work.
Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Friday 31st July 2009 11:13pm