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Machiavelli Jr posted a comment on Friday 16th December 2005 9:36am

Among the *Anglo-* born and -raised, yes. Our far more sensible brethren on the Continent have a different attitiude to things. Between the Malfoys and the amount of ropy French in the spells I'd guess there's a strong Continental influence on the magical world. Society!Harry should be fun, as is the Aurors' sense of humour. Graveyard humour and Aurors make as good a fit as Harry and trouble. Top chapter, KUTGW.

Christopher Estep posted a comment on Friday 16th December 2005 4:37am

A Very Interesting Idea: Harry taking Tonks to a Ball he would normally avoid like the plague, and it's *Draco's mum* that makes the suggestion? (Excuse me while I get my *jaw* off the danged floor!) As far as the ICW meeting, if Harry can't go himself (surprisingly, I doubt that Dumbledore would object; however, Minerva might, because *she* has refused to take her seat on the Scottish Delegation), I seriously suggest that he send Tonks (as the prospective Lady Black) or Shack (Kingsley has been handling some of his business anyway) to vote his proxy. Also, declaring Tonks as the prospective Lady Black would indeed wreck several applecarts (possibly including that of Daphne Greengrass), and stick a MAJOR thumb in the eye of anyone familiar with the whole story of why Andromeda Black was originally booted out of the Black Family.

Nick5 posted a comment on Friday 16th December 2005 4:35am

Very nice, liked the way you worked in 'Cami' as a name and the part between Ted and Harry. Hope to see more of this soon... particularly whom he names as Lady Potter-Black, and who takes objection to that idea.

Robert McCurry posted a comment on Thursday 15th December 2005 12:00pm

Great story do far, please keep the story coming:
And Just to tell you Harry And Tonks Sroties are some of my favorites:

hpfan_4life posted a comment on Tuesday 13th December 2005 6:29pm

Awesome update. Can't wait for the next one.

Christopher Estep posted a comment on Tuesday 13th December 2005 2:29pm

Going back over the story, Tonks' LACK of embarrassment over Remus' teasing comment SHOULD have set off the alarums for Harry right then! However, I can understand why it didn't, as Harry had already had a rough day to that point.

Jason Karr posted a comment on Monday 12th December 2005 11:48am

Is Harry going to have to have more than one wife. If so Ginny and Tonks look like the top choices. Hermione might be the mistriss, just a thought.

Christopher Estep posted a comment on Monday 12th December 2005 11:22am

Narcissa is the *least* detailed of the Blacks(Bellatrix has more *recent* detail written about her; however, I have my own suspiscions about its veracity) and she may have been chewing over this item for a few years (Narcissa herself mentioned being close to Sirius while the two were at Hogwarts); notice Andromeda's own LACK of surprise over Narcissa's comments. Nobody knows how any conversations Narcissa and Draco may have had while Lucius has been in the holding cells may have gone (neither have told, and Harry, so far, hasn't asked). However, something Draco said may give a rather poignant clue: Draco said that his *father*, not Narcissa, was the major influence on Life At Malfoy Manor. (Narcissa herself appears to confirm this later, in a totally UNrelated conversation regarding Family Black business.) Given that, why would Draco necessarily be loyal, to ANY degree, to Narcissa? Let's look at exactly the situation Draco is in: the one person with the greatest influence on his life is in jail. His mother, who has been pretty much a figurehead, is, at minimum, seriously considering divorcing his dad (again, the Major Influence) and going back to HER family, which is now headed by his own Major Enemy, who ALSO happens to be the person responsible for his father being locked up. Meanwhile, that selfsame Major Enemy drops on him several bombshells concerning his dad's boss. Under normal circumstances, Draco would, of course, take such info with a rather large MINE of salt; however, he realizes that as much as as he and Harry have feuded with each other, Harry has NEVER lied to him, either directly or by omission. Segue to now. His mum has indeed divorced daddy and gone back to her family, daddy is STILL in the pokey, and he has not been able to poke so much as ONE hole in ANY of the information Harry dropped on him. This is putting Draco Malfoy in a World Class Spot.

The Resident posted a comment on Monday 12th December 2005 12:26am

Still excellent. I really enjoy the social interactions going on. Harry is grown up in many ways and still an innocent in many others. You are maintaining the balance nicely. Keep up the good work as I am eagerly awaiting the next update. -grin-

brad posted a comment on Sunday 11th December 2005 10:48pm

I found myself almost laughing out loud on just the second page. Your description of that-which-transpired-to-be-named 'Owl' - coloured purple, resigned hoot, bracing itself - was excellent. Out of all the HP minor characters I guess the twins are the ones that are most misused - or overdone - but Owl struck me as being something *exactly* that they'd do. That section tickled me something fierce.

The bit with Draco *seemed* out of character, in contrast with the brat we know from canon ... but maybe I could see that happening, if he got a big enough shock and could *think* his way out of his emotional kneejerk reactions to Harry.

The fight with Ron seemed a bit contrived; in Harry's eyes he had less to answer for than Hermione - just not telling him that they were together, jeeze, is that all? - and yet Harry comes out with both guns blazing. And while I'm glad that Hermione apologised I'm pretty miffed at Harry here ... I don't like this Harry much. Hermione went at least half-way, but Harry just stayed right where he started, didn't budge in the slightest from the starting line. Condescending bloody behaviour. Must have been so hard for Hermione not to rub his face in all the times that he's been proven WRONG in the past. I still think her behaviour was largely warranted, or at least understandable, from her side.

And Ginny's not doing much to help her mutual friends reconcile, is she? She could have been the ideal intermediary, facilitating a settlement between them. On the other hand, in his current state of arrogance, Harry would probably end up tossing her aside as well.

I also find it difficult to believe Narcissa's switching sides just like that. Putting to one side the key question of her integrity (do we actually see her in canon? I've forgotten) and whether she is actually 'evil' or not, I find it very hard to believe that she could abandon her son like that, willingly fleeing the Malfoy manor while leaving Draco behind. And five seconds later behaving with perfect composure at Gringotts. Didn't seem real to me at all.

Still looking forward to see what happens with the wards at Hogwarts! And I hope Harry does reconcile in the end with his best mates ... it'd be nice if Hermione came back and rubbed his nose in the fact that little Mr. Baron/lord Perfect isn't quite as blameless or untarnished as he thinks he is. Hmmmph.

Terry Swain posted a comment on Sunday 11th December 2005 6:49am

Great chapter. :)

Donald Deutsch posted a comment on Saturday 10th December 2005 6:53pm

Very good story so far. I can't wait to read more of it. Keep up the good work.


Puck1 posted a comment on Saturday 10th December 2005 3:50pm

Interesting and wonderful story.

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Saturday 10th December 2005 2:10pm

Good story.


TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Saturday 10th December 2005 1:15pm

Good one.


TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Saturday 10th December 2005 12:45pm

Very good, that was well done.


TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Saturday 10th December 2005 12:21pm

This could get interesting.


TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Saturday 10th December 2005 10:55am

Nice, really good stuff.


TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Saturday 10th December 2005 9:53am

At last he is getting it together.


TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Saturday 10th December 2005 9:12am

Harry is clueless.
