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Nanio posted a comment on Friday 3rd March 2006 5:59pm

It was funny and a few were incredibly ironic, which is what I think you were aiming for. I like it.

One bunny you can use is Bondage gone wrong. Tie Voldemort up, gag him, and have Lucius with a whip and tight leather when Order members and Harry baarge in and give them a beatdown.

Goyana posted a comment on Friday 3rd March 2006 3:57pm

Lmao, those were funny. Im sick and these made me laugh, which hurt, but still funny.

I suggest the following:
Voldie is killed by a Michael Jackson Picture.
Gets killed by the Powerpuff Girls
Mistaken for a snake by a Muggle Hunter.
Killed by some Black Gang
Killed by a Molly Weasly Hug
Mistaken by Bush for an Arab.
Allergic reaction to Bird poop.
Accidently landed on by a Ski Jumper.
Accidently apparates into space
Eaten by a Dinosaur, or stepped on.

Terry Swain posted a comment on Friday 3rd March 2006 1:40pm

Great little fic-lits. here's one: Voldemort and his deatheaters show up in london right in front of a couple street racers and get mowed down. :)

Meteoricshipyards posted a comment on Friday 3rd March 2006 3:48am

I thought you wanted bunnies, not full fledged scenes. Here's a scene:

"You cannot escape, Potter! You have no wand! No portkey! No floo powder! No friends! No way to get through my anti-apportation wards! This is your final moment!" The nose-less fiend gloated. He won! This was it! Potter cowered against the wall of his cottage.

Suddenly the door opened and a skinny blond stepped in. She had no wand, so the Dark Lord didn't kill her immediately.

"Harry! Guess what!"

"Not now Luna, I'm about to be killed."

"Harry, this is important. I found a Crumpled Horn Snorkack!"

"That's great Luna, but this really isn't the time for it."

"You're right. We have almost no time." She rushed over to Harry, ignoring the Dark Lord.

"Girl, get away from him, unless you want to die too."

Noticing the Dark Lord for the first time, Luna said, "Oh, hi! You don't want to stand there, you know."

"No one tells the Dark Lord where to stand! Now you both die! Avada Kaaaaaa!"

Voldemorts spell was lost as the wall of the cottage collapsed on him. Luna quickly got Harry out of the building before the rest of it fell. Harry stood next to luna looking at the twelve meter tall, vaguely deer like animal.

"So that's why they call it "Crumple Horned"," he said, looking at it's head.

Crys replied:

Thanks. Scene added to the file.

hedwig_edwiges posted a comment on Thursday 2nd March 2006 9:37pm

I'm glad you approved of my shallow idea! And it was funny. I would never be capable to do it myself. But I confess that I thought that the running fans were better. But you're the good author here, so! Thanks again, for using my idea and for the good stories you keep present us.

James Rayner posted a comment on Thursday 2nd March 2006 4:59pm

loved it do more.

Fate posted a comment on Thursday 2nd March 2006 3:51pm

*cackles helplessly and falls off her chair*
Go Knight Bus!
Go Dobby!
Go Luna!
Go Veela Draco!!
*Continues to cackle*

Malaskor posted a comment on Thursday 2nd March 2006 2:09pm

Muahahahahaha... funny stuff :)

Hmmmm... how about death by falling anvil or piano or safe? (Harry saw too many cartoons shortly before fighting Voldy)

Vasey posted a comment on Thursday 2nd March 2006 9:56am

Ahahahaha! Behold, the power of football hooligans!

Puck1 posted a comment on Thursday 2nd March 2006 7:13am

Very funny. Are you going to continue? If so, here are more ideas: Voldermort dying because of a forced marriage with Umbridge, Voldermort being stuck in a room with said toad, and Voldermort being forced into a menege-a-troi with Umbridge and Filch.

Crys replied:

I'm really worried about your mental state, Puck. Coming up with stuff like this . . . ;)

Rick Gale posted a comment on Thursday 2nd March 2006 6:28am

If only it were that easy! A great bit of writing.

Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Thursday 2nd March 2006 5:31am

This was incredibly fun, unique, and clever.

I particularly liked the first - being run over by the Knight Bus.

Bells posted a comment on Thursday 2nd March 2006 5:06am

Death by falling vending machine?
death by accidental electricution? (ie was in the shower/bath and the hair dryer/toaster/other electrical applience fell in..)
death by some STD?
death because voldie is left handed?
died trying to catch road runner? (RR has some invincible something...)
crushed by a falling chandelier?
suggestion: about the one where voldie dies trying to swim across the pool, perhaps instead he dives in and cracks his head open on the bottom of the pool.

Bells posted a comment on Thursday 2nd March 2006 4:37am

HYSTERICAL! I'm at school right now, and having just read this, I may get kicked out. I may have possibly laughed REALLY loud when I was reading, leading to my abrupt departure...

WONDERFUL. I actually have a list at home of ideas, I'll see what I can find and review again.

Rocky235 posted a comment on Thursday 2nd March 2006 4:20am

They were all good, but the Knight Bus was my favorite.

Tommy posted a comment on Thursday 2nd March 2006 3:55am

- The brat had hidden in this building, he was sure of it. Voldemort walked stealthily towards the modern-sized building, ignoring the squeeking of his bunny-slippers. His tracking charm had found Potter while he was taking an afternoon nap, and he'd had no time to slip into his robes; the slippers' and heart-decorated pink pyjama would have to do... Entering the building the Dark Lord took a look around, but saw nothing suspicious... There, inside the closest door, was Harry Potter with a bunch of muggles, all dressed up in some white funny clothings. The Dark Lord snickered; he had him this time... now, in three he would spring into the room and kill his nemesis; One... two... tree...

He never noticed the sign above the door; Shaolin Style Kung-Fu... And in a small and lit room in Little Hangleton, on a desk, a muggle found a strange black stick with the inscriptions; Belongs to Lord Voldemort (with the crossed out words 'Tom loves Myrtle' at the top).

- ;) Just couldn't help it; had to write one of my own :P

Do update this little chappie; I really liked it, and had a few good laughs.

Tommy L.


Crys replied:

Thanks. Scene added to the file.

TomokiG posted a comment on Thursday 2nd March 2006 3:29am

Well... that was fun!... definitely fun!

°TomokiG °

Viridian posted a comment on Thursday 2nd March 2006 2:56am

LOL, Luna legilimency feedback and 'The Glock' made an appearance... heh!

How about "Death by British Soccer Fans?" I guarantee you, there is no way he could stop that many angry Manchester United fans with his wand, and his ego won't let him apparate away from Muggles. It's his own damn fault for chasing Harry through the stadium and interrupting their game...

Crys replied:

Bunny added to file. Thanks.

Chris1 posted a comment on Thursday 2nd March 2006 2:19am


Agent Kay and Jay ^_^ hehe

Good story ^_^

Nenagh posted a comment on Wednesday 1st March 2006 10:28pm

::Wipes tears from eyes:: That was hysterical! I really loved the Luna one, I could just see that being the last part of book 7! I hope you'll have more because these ones are awesome!
