By Crys
Christina C. Keimig posted a comment on Saturday 17th February 2007 10:16am
101 and 111 were my favorites by far...
Minerva Granger1 posted a comment on Sunday 11th February 2007 11:43am
Nice! Shades of M*A*S*H!
Hey, wouldn't it be great if a prank planned by Hawkeye and BJ, and meant for Frank Burns, got Voldie instead, with disastrous results?
Killer07 posted a comment on Thursday 8th February 2007 6:05am
Hmm maybe let get Drebin get hit with the Killing curse once but him being to stupid to know what to do (die)
Killer07 posted a comment on Thursday 8th February 2007 6:00am
To get some quiet time the American's send for a help request for a specialist that shall investigate a series of mysterious murders Lt. Frank Drebin as help to the British police. After wreaking havoc in the DE rangs trough multiple accidents and simply not thinking he gets to Voldemort and kills Nagini through accident (let something fall on her) now Voldy split his soul one time to much and because of this he needed at least one intakt hocrux to survive.
Killer07 (Oh i must watch the Naked Gun again the last time is to long ago...)
Killer07 posted a comment on Wednesday 7th February 2007 4:02am
Or better they send Q Jr. that he can have a little bit of fun with Moldyshorts *G*
Killer07 posted a comment on Wednesday 7th February 2007 4:02am
His latest ritual unknowingly taps into the powers of the Q Continuum. The Q really don't like Moldyshorts disturbance and dispatch Q to handle this annoyance.
Killer07 posted a comment on Monday 5th February 2007 9:29pm
Nicholas Flamel never gave Dumbledore the true Stone. Instead he gave him one of his early failures from the times as he was trying to create the stone. Somehow Voldy escapes with this stone and as he wanted to become immortal he got a nasty surprise. This particular failure would turn everything it touches to gold when activated and then deactivate itself again. After he melted the Moldyshorts gold statue down Nicholas Flamel gave this money to St. Mungus to research new cures.
Killer07 posted a comment on Sunday 4th February 2007 11:45pm
In the last confrontation with Voldemort Harry escaped again. That time he had a simple magical flu and infected the Dark Dork. Unfortunately his magical created body has no antibody's against this flu....
Crys replied:
Thanks. Bunny added to file. Your 53rd.
Killer07 posted a comment on Saturday 3rd February 2007 9:33am
"Here Tom catch" and with this Harry threw a strange green thing at Voldemort who caught it.
A Muggle would have thrown it away immediately or run away as it was on the way because he would have recognized a grenade.
Crys replied:
Thanks. Bunny added to file. Your 51st.
Also added bunny of Jeeves from MiB (you sent it offline) That is your 52nd.
Killer07 posted a comment on Saturday 3rd February 2007 9:23am
The Portkey drops Voldy off into the Gravitation Room as Son-Goku and Vegeta have a spar at 100 times of the normal gravity. Unfortunately the highest his body could handle would be 1g
Killer07 (After a long time i got a few bunnys again)
Killer07 posted a comment on Saturday 3rd February 2007 9:16am
Oh i forgot to mention Harry should come in his Admiral Uniform :-)
Killer07 posted a comment on Saturday 3rd February 2007 9:04am
Voldemort decides to induce himself into a magical sleep to awake in the future and conquer a unprepared world in a few centuries. Unfortunately for him the world isn't really unprepared as he wakes up. Harry Potter's wife Hermione Potter developed another philosopher's stone and the two protected the muggle and magical world of other wannabe Dark Lords. Now Harry presents Moldyshorts with "the Power he knows not". A standard Starfleet issued phaser set to disintegrate :-)
Crys replied:
Thanks. Bunny added to file. Your 50th.
Zarz posted a comment on Monday 22nd January 2007 3:03am
I love this story more every time I read it. I think one of your greatest talents is turning bunnies into really funny short scenes. I can come up with ideas for stories, but you manage to put them down on paper so they sound good.
Other ideas include Fluffy requiring good music to put him to sleep, and Quirrel not exactly being the best harpist. Or, a lot of fanfics have there be some blood wards on Gringotts vaults. What if Voldemort's rituals changed his blood so much that he no longer registered as Tom Riddle to the vault? Or what if Volemort was watching Harry in the Tri-Wizard Tournament, and didn't realize that dragon flame can burn even spirits.
Keep up the great work, and I'm looking forward to your next update!
Crys replied:
Thank you for your kind words.
Two bunnies added to the file. I liked the third as well, but the timing doesn't work. We know LV is in a body at the beginning of GoF (in the Riddle House), so he can't be a wraith to watch the first task. Too bad, it was a good bunny.
uthamm posted a comment on Sunday 21st January 2007 3:32pm
I look for these whenever I need a laugh - they are great. Love 'she-who-knits, the Jedi, Neville's botched potion and 'book-stealing' Voldemort. Angry Hermione, indeed!
Stupid Fox posted a comment on Sunday 21st January 2007 8:02am
Aided by his Quidditch-trained reflexes, Harry Potter sprinted through the Hungarian forests trying to avoid Voldemort and most of the Death Eaters. He'd found a Horcrux in Budapest, and in the company of Bill Weasley, Remus Lupin, and Nymphadora Tonks, had been trying to destroy it...until the defenses on the artifact had activated and alerted the Dark Lord.
His three companions had quickly been Stunned and captured to be used as bait, since he'd gotten away so quickly. That didn't help him any, however, since Voldemort was still in hot pursuit.
Distracted by these thoughts, Harry knocked down a black-haired woman dressed entirely in black leather. The man next to her turned and began to call out after Harry, until Voldemort arrived.
Hungarian policemen responded, much later, to the reports of shots fired and found only a messy carcass with multiple 9mm bullet wounds and bite and claw marks.
Stupid Fox posted a comment on Saturday 20th January 2007 8:58pm
I just checked Wikipedia to find that:
HMS Southampton was commissioned on the 31st of October, 1981. Eminently suitable, I'd say...
Crys replied:
Definitely suitable. I'm adding to the latest chapter, so this is going in soon. Thanks!
Stupid Fox posted a comment on Saturday 20th January 2007 6:32pm
Severus Snape rushed into Voldemort's throne room, holding a tattered piece of parchment.
"My Lord, I have managed to locate and secure this map from the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, the former Black Manor."
"Indeed, Severus? What secrets does it hold?"
"That doddering old fool attempted to hide it away in the attic; it shows the location of a storehouse of Central American demon-summoning lore. Shall I make a Portkey?"
"At once, Severus. Specify it for three people; I shall be taking Wormtail and Bellatrix with me."
"Yes, my Lord."
(Five minutes later, in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean)
Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley stood on the bridge of the Type 42 Royal Navy destroyer HMS Southampton as Lord Voldemort, Bellatrix Lestrange, and Peter 'Wormtail' Pettigrew passed through that mysterious region known as the Bermuda Triangle.
Crys replied:
Thanks. Scene added to file.
Meteoricshipyards posted a comment on Friday 19th January 2007 10:23am
"He's coming. Soon!" Harry Potter told his friends as he wondered Hogwarts castle.
"But you've got to eat, mate!" Ron insisted.
"Listen to him. You have to keep up your strenth," Hermione said.
"I can't eat anything, knowing that Voldemort is going to attack soon!" He broke away from his friends and disappeared into the castle.
As they entered the Great Hall then encountered Luna.
"What's wrong with Harry?"
"He won't eat. He's sure that Voldemort is coming."
Luna gave them that unfocused stare and said, "Of course Voldemort is coming. And Harry doesn't need sustenance for his body. He needs something to fortify his soul." She picked a banana from the Gryffindor table.
Hermione looked at her skeptically. "A banana will fortify his soul?"
"Of course!" Luna left the Great Hall.
A short time later, she found Harry wondering around the east wing on the fifth floor.
"Hi, Luna. I don't mean to be rude, but I'm not good company right now."
"That's all right, Harry. I've felt that way, too. Here." She handed him the banana.
"Uh, thanks Luna, but I'm not really hungry."
"It's not for eating, although you can if you want to."
"If it's not for eating, then what am I going to do with this banana."
"You take it someplace high, like the astronomy tower, peel it, and toss the peel over your right shoulder."
"Is that for luck? Like tossing salt over your shoulder?"
"No, but I probably should have brought some salt, too. You can't have too much luck. But a banana peel is for getting rid of Dark Lords."
"You're kidding."
"No, really. Go on, try it."
Harry shrugged, and headed up to the Astronomy Tower. It was too early in the evening, so the procession of couples who used the tower hadn't started yet. He looked at the banana, shrugged again, and peeled it. Tossing the banana peel over his shoulder he looked over the wall at the lake reflecting the darkening sky.
It was peaceful up here, and he was completely unprepared when a voice spoke to him.
"Potter! I thought I'd have to search the castle for you! But here you are waiting for me. Prepare to die!"
Harry spun around, whipping out his wand and casting a stunner before it even registered that it was Lord Voldemort who spoke to him.
The Dark Lord almost lazily sidestepped the curse, revealing the broom he must have used to get here, leaning up against the tower wall. Unfortunately for him, he stepped right on the banana peel.
Back in the Great Hall Hermione gasped in the silence, "What was that?"
Luna answered in her dreamy voice, "Unless I'm mistaken, that was a Dark Lord plummetting off the Astronomy Tower."
Crys replied:
Thanks. Scene added to file.
Mouse posted a comment on Friday 19th January 2007 8:20am
This is a excellent chapter update.
Killer07 posted a comment on Sunday 18th February 2007 2:40am