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Tildessmoo posted a comment on Monday 27th August 2007 6:49pm

I'm sorry, to post this so soon after tossing up four bunnies, (well, a bunny and three scenes, but you seem to treat my scenes as bunnies anyway), but... Well Voldemort fell for the first time in 1981, yes? Back when HIV was first being discovered. Heck, back when it was still called GRID! Now, being an evil overlord who delights in torture, I imagine he likes raping victims occasionally (in fact, it's a relatively common fanon occurance). Perhaps he could get his comeuppance from this disease no one bothered to mention he could get from sex? A disease for which neither muggles nor wizards have yet discovered a cure?

Crys replied:

Thanks.   Bunny added to the file.   Your 10th

Tildessmoo posted a comment on Monday 27th August 2007 6:06pm

Oh, and just in case you don't know what a deathcap is (though I'm sure the name will be enough to make a decent guess), it's a mushroom which contains a poison that has the following symptoms: You get a stomachache. Then you suffer in excruciating pain for about three days while your liver dissolves and your kidneys deteriorate. Then you feel blissfully pain-free... then you die because the only reason you were free of the pain is that there's no more liver left to dissolve. There is no known antidote or treatment, and the only way to avoid death is a liver transplant (good luck getting one in three days for an orphan in 1942).

Tildessmoo posted a comment on Monday 27th August 2007 6:01pm

Hm... Must be a bigger fan of the movies than the comics. Rogue has red hair originally.

In response to the response to Evan Mayerle's review: Chernebog (also spelled Chernobog and any number of other ways, due to generally being written in Cyrillic), which is Russian for "Black God," was a minor post-12th century West Slavic deity who has been picked up by a number of modern writers as an evil power on a level with the Koschei. He's the big nasty in a trilogy by C. J. Cherryh, the de facto ruler of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the Heirs of Alexandria series, and makes a few appearances in video games and fantasy and sci-fi shows like BtVS (though I don't recall if he actually shows up in that one particularly).

Here's an odd take, though I'm afraid I can't flesh it out beyond bunny status myself at the moment. Perhaps it will inspire. This is, of course, not consistant with canon as of DH, but it is up to HBP, so I think I'm doing fairly well.
The prophecy is two parts: the first describes the one to vanquish the Dark Lord, and the second describes how their fates are intertwined. The second part applies to whomever the first part describes, so the first part is the important part in identifying the one who will kill Voldemort.
So, the first part of the prophecy is "The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies..." The next portion, "And the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not..." could be seen as the connection between the two parts, since it's still identifying, but it's also describing their encounters. Thing is, July is the seventh month of the Gregorian calendar, but September is actually derived from "septimus," which is actually Latin for "seventh." So, what if the prophecy is not actually describing Harry or Neville, but someone born at the end of September? Could this, in fact, be a prophecy about, say, the child of a Death Eater who happened to be willing to argue fine points of detail with Voldemort once in a while, adding up to three by the time his or her child was born? Perhaps even Draco or the wildly unlikely (and therefore even funnier if it happens) Crabbe or Goyle? No one of Harry's year at Hogwarts has anything more specific for a birthdate than a year, with the sole exceptions of Harry, Hermione, Neville, and Ron, so just about anyone could fit that if you fiddled with their parents' details properly.
And, guess what? We all know Harry and Neville, Ron is March 1... And Hermione is September 19! Now, if we take these one aspect at a time, if the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches, then the prediction had to have been made before the child was born. If the prophecy was made in August of 1979 (a good time to be conducting interviews for a new teacher), then it could apply to Hermione (whose dob is given as 9/19/79) as well as Harry, who would still be born the July after the prophecy was made. Thrice defied is fairly easy; Tom Riddle was old enough to have encountered pretty much anyone's parents at a time when they were young enough and he old enough that he wouldn't take much notice of them. What if he met some resistance in stealing the five-year-old future Mrs. Granger's lollipop? Or got yelled at by the ten-year-old Mr. Granger for kicking his dog? For "born as the seventh month dies," well, I've already described why September works, and prophecies are generally sufficiently vague that you could interperet that as "after September 15." And, finally, is it not a "mark" of respect to acknowledge someone else as your equal? "That Granger girl, she's every bit as smart as me! Too bad for her I've got fifty years' edge in experience and sixty in nastiness." A comment along those lines in front of his Death Eaters could count quite well. The power he knows not is easier for Hermione than just about everyone else, too: she found some sort of obscure ritual/spell/whatever and defeats him with it.

So, yeah, big, complicated bunny, and the main point is that the prophecy could apply to anyone of Harry's age except Ron, as it's explicitly stated that only Harry and Neville were born at a time to work if you believe the seventh month is July, but we know it could work with Hermione or the many with unknown birthdays if you take it to mean September.
And, finally, if you don't like using girls when the prophecy says "him," you could point out that it was a noisy pub, that Severus was distracted with running away, that Dumbledore was distracted with finding out but not catching a spy, and that no one actually hears Trelawny say the prophecy in canon, but, rather, hear Dumbledore and Snape passing it on. Or you could just point out that it's Trelawny, for goodness sake! She's lucky to have gotten as much right as she did; it's no surprise she got the gender wrong!

Oh, and to make up for that convoluted bunny (oh, that'll be a pun now!), here's a scene (that may just have been inspired by Jeconais' drabbles...):
Voldemort chuckled, his thin, snakelike lips stretched in a cruel mockery of a smile as he prepared the ritual to open a portal to another world. It was an amazingly easy ritual, if you were willing to kill a person or two, and Voldemort was nothing if not willing. He presumed that he would find a few worlds similar to his own, but eventually he would find a world wherein resided some power he could use to defeat his enemies once and for all.
With a final flourish, the portal opened, and the Dark Lord stepped through. He paused just past the threshold, staring in wonderment at the bright technicolor world before him. This would be just the... Voldemort was distracted by an odd whistling sound that did not have any apparent source. And was it getting darker, or was it just him?
"Eh... You might not want to be standing right there," a creature he had not previously noticed said. It reminded him vaguely of a human-sized bipedal rabbit, especially with the carrot it chewed as it spoke. He noticed the grey creature was pointing upwards with the aforementioned root vegetable and directed his gaze to follow, then blanched in fear--no mean feat, considering how pale he already was.
Voldemort turned to run back through the portal, but, pump his legs though he might, he remained stubbornly in place as his doom approached, accompanied by an ever-expanding shadow and an increase in the volume of the whistling. Finally, in a last-ditch effort to save himself, he pointed his wand upward and cast a spell.
Unfotunately, rather than producing the desired spell, his wand merely transfigured itself. His last thought as he stared at the pink umbrella he now held over his head was to wonder what possible good it would do against the weight of a falling anvil.

And, since I kept meaning to write this one (#216 reminded me)
Voldemort (as he had taken to calling himself) had a weakness.
It was not a weakness of character, not something that anyone could use against him. It was simply... Call it his vice, if you would.
He spent most of his life stuck in either the orphanage where his mother had left him or at school, but every now and again he had a break: The orphanage would take its charges for a week seaside during summer hols.
Now, just enjoying this vacation was not To- sorry, Voldemort's weakness. No, his weakness was what he could get while in the small, rural village; it was something not to be had either at Hogwarts or in the London orphanage.
Oh, he got plenty of mushrooms at mealtimes, certainly. But those were all cooked into oblivion; they were soft, slimy, pallid shadows of the true glory that was the fresh mushroom. The little white field mushrooms that he so adored dotted the landscape, ready for him to enjoy their flavor and texture, somewhere between well-cooked meat and a crisp apple, with a bit of extra chew from the gills. He would spend the first day or two searching and munching. Then he could get in a bit of extra enjoyment when he took care of those two annoyances and made himself immortal at the same time. He grinned at the mere thought even as he bit into his fifth mushroom of the day, a grisette, if he wasn't mistaken. It might make him a little sick to eat a grisette raw, but it was one of the most delicious of the lot, so it was well worth it.
The grin quickly turned into a frown when he noticed Charles Hobson, the insufferable know-it-all, tearing up some of his precious mushrooms from the base of a chestnut tree and examining them. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" he asked.
"I'm looking at mushrooms," he responded. "Did you know that the Amanita Phalloides is often mistaken for the Amanita Fulva?"
"In the king's English, if you don't mind."
"Oh. Um, the deathcap is often mistaken for the tawny grisette."

And just because he's been mistreated enough:
Tom groggily pried his eyes open, only to see the grinning face of his girlfriend. "Are you ready for another round?" Charlotte Delacoeur purred. Tom had half a mind to groan in pain, but Charlotte quickly changed that to pleasure. When was the last time they had stopped for food and water? Did he really care? He was certain she was killing him, but what a way to go!

Crys replied:

Yikes.   Big review.   Thank you for that.

Rogue was a red-head originally?   Didn't know that.   Course, I never red the comics, either.

Thanks for letting me know who Chernebog is.

Okay, bunnies added to the file.

Hermione as Chosen One - your 6th (interesting bigger story bunny, but I'm not gonna touch THAT one :)
Bugs Bunny scene - your 7th
Mushrooms - 8th
"What a way to go!" - 9th

Thanks for the review and the ideas.

Killer07 posted a comment on Sunday 26th August 2007 5:04am

Quirrel distracted Moldyshorts in the wrong moment while playing McGonagall's chess game. As a result he makes a wrong move and loses the game. The last thing he sees is the enemy queen hitting him. Unfortunately for him the chess pieces target the back of Quirrel's head.



Crys replied:

Thanks.   Bunny added to the file.   Your 72nd

Anansii posted a comment on Friday 24th August 2007 3:58pm

Suggestion: Voldy finds a way to summon an artifact of great power from another dimension. It's an unused Lens from Arisia... and since it's not meant for him, the minute he puts it on he falls over dead. Oops...

Crys replied:

Sorry, don't recognize the reference.

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Friday 24th August 2007 2:32pm

A last line for #227 (which I found exceedingly hilarious): "Really, Hermione? I find that 'fascinating'!"

I love the latest round of additions. Poor Tom just isn't having a good time of it. Oh, just another odd bunny, Tom tries to conjure a demon and the conjuration backfires, sending him to the realm where the demon dwells; the bad news is that it's Chernebog's realm.

Crys replied:

Ah, THAT was the common line I couldn't think of!   Thanks.   Will change it for the next version of the chapter.

Oh, and the Chernebog thing, I'm afraid I don't recognize the reference.

Gullwhacker2 posted a comment on Tuesday 21st August 2007 7:02am

Just had a silly bunny.

Hermione, a Trekkie, has Harry watch the original series.

In his next confrontation with Voldie, Harry simply uses the Vulcan Death Grip.

To Hermione's outrage, as he true fans know that that doesn't exist. Not that anyone else cares...

Crys replied:

Thanks.   Bunny added to the file.   Your 12th.

Minerva Granger posted a comment on Monday 20th August 2007 9:53am

Evil plot Bunnies! Get outta my head!
Sincere alpologies to Kinsfire, since he's who I accidentally stole that scene from.

Here's one which has been buzzing around for a while and has finally decided to come in for a landing: Put Riddle on a spaceship and have him tinker with the controls to make the spaceship run on magic. Unfortunately, doing that also changes the course of the spaceship. It flies directly into a black hole, running purely on Riddle's magic. Drained, dead Riddle, disappears forever.

Killer07 posted a comment on Friday 17th August 2007 6:26pm

As Harry refuses to take part in the Triwizard Tournament the magic prepares to punish him just to find out he didn't sign the magical contract. Magic begins to search for the true source and finds Moldyshorts. The name on the parchment then changed to Tom Marvollo Riddle. Riddle should have know that faking magical contracts can be really dangerous if the victim doesn't accept them because magic finds always the person behind it and forces them to do the contract or lose their magic and die a slow painfull death...


Killer07 (I still think Harry could have refused in book 4 because he didn't put his name into the goblet)

Crys replied:

Thanks.   Bunny added to the file.   Your 70th

Ronnie McMains posted a comment on Friday 17th August 2007 5:14am

About #218...Not sure it was a really good idea for Marie to be touching Tom either. If she held on long enough to kill him, wouldn't she end up with his memories running around in her head? That's really not a fate I'd wish on anyone, let alone Rogue, who's been slapped with the Fate stick enough in her life already.

Gullwhacker2 posted a comment on Friday 17th August 2007 12:06am

Right. Well, the two ideas I had that are DH spoilers...

First, a rather simple one. After the first cut with the Sword, Neville just keeps going. And promptly berates Harry for being such a lazy 'hero', possibly.

Second - Harry discovers an old suicide spell. You cast it, the Grim Reaper homes in on your soul, and takes you straight to the afterlife. Confronted with Voldemort, he casts the spell. Voldemort mocks him, but Harry just smirks. "We share bits of soul, you know. The Reaper will take whichever of us he can find first." With that, Harry pulls on his Cloak. "And I can actually hide from him. Bye, Tom."

Final thought that just occurred to me. Voldemort finds out about the idea of Horcruxes - that you split your soul to remain immortal - but botches his research on the mechanics. He finds some spell or item that can cut souls, and uses it to slice his into a few pieces. And subsequently dies, having neatly chopped his spirit up. Should've read the fine print...

Glad my ideas were used earlier!

Crys replied:

Thanks.   Bunnies (first two) added to the file.

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Thursday 16th August 2007 1:08pm

*Snicker* Oh, I do love the latest additions, all of them and not just what I suggested. If anyone cares, that cloud of coal dust makes for one big FAE burst.

I keep wondering, what would happen if Tom ran into a representative of a truly advanced race, be the race "Light" (Vorlons, Arisians, et al.) or "Dark" (Shadows, Eddorians, et al.)? Somehow, I don't think Tommy-boy would come out too well.

Just an off thought, but what if one of Lily's muggle ancestors had been a "muggle" named Clark Kent and the full Kryptonian gene complex manifested itself in Harry at his coming of age? Quite a rude shock for folk. Going at it from another PoV, how about the Dursleys refusing to take Harry and putting him up for adoption where an American couple adopts him as a younger brother for their other adopted son, Clark Kent? I suspect the two could be quite a team. ;D

Crys replied:

Thanks.   Bunnies added to the file. (Vorlons and Shadows both)

And for anyone else reading this: FAE = fuel-air explosive

Anansii posted a comment on Wednesday 15th August 2007 5:22pm

Snicker! Guffaw, even... :)

It'll be awhile before I get caught up, so forgive me if someone's already done this but:

Harry, Hermione and Ron all fired at once. Voldemort started to bat all three spells aside, contemptuously, only to be startled by a bite on the leg. "Yeowch!" he yelled, as all three spells hit and he was knocked flat, set on fire, and melted into a puddle.

As the ghost of Sirius Black frisked out to meet the Three, Voldemort's last words were "I would have made it, if it hadn't been for those pesky kids and That Dog!"

Crys replied:

I suspect that's a quote from a movie, but I can't place it.

slickrcbd posted a comment on Wednesday 15th August 2007 8:49am

I have another scene idea that borrows heavily from cannon, but with a minor divergence. You might want to edit it or clean it up, but here's the idea.

Harry crouched behind the headstone and knew the end had come. There was no help to be had. And as he heard Voldemort draw nearer still, he knew one thing only, and it was beyond fear or reason: He was not going to die crouching here like a child playing hide-and-seek; he was not going to die kneeling at Voldemort's feet...he was going to die upright like his father, and he was going to die trying to defend himself, even if no defense was possible...
Before Voldemort could stick his snakelike face around the headstone, Harry stood up...he gripped his wand tightly in his hand, thrust it out in front of him, and threw himself around the headstone, facing Voldemort.
Voldemort was ready. As Harry shouted, "Expelliarmus!" Voldemort cried, "Avada Kedavra!"
A jet of green light issued from Voldemort's wand just as a jet of red light blasted from Harry's

As they passed each other in mid flight, Harry, tried to jump out of the way. He almost succeeded, but the jet of green light clipped his left hand...and bounced off, leaving another lightning bolt-shaped scar. The rebounded killing curse struck Voldemort, who was once again vanquished at the hand of the other.

Crys replied:

Thanks.    Scene added to the file.

bgoldnyxnet posted a comment on Tuesday 14th August 2007 8:15am

Some of these are comeuppances but not fatal, #7 and #10 for example. But as regards "death" #13, I have only one thing to say:

Killer07 posted a comment on Monday 13th August 2007 5:32am

Voldy and co want to torture a muggle named Stanley Ipkiss. Unfortunately for them Stanley had enough time to put on his Mask. Now Voldy and co face a green headed superhero that can't be stopped by AK, Crucio and co.


Killer07 (damm once taped The Mask on VHS and deleted it by accident...)

dzio posted a comment on Sunday 12th August 2007 2:18am

Ents were brilliant. :)

How about this one:

Voldemort activated a long-distance portkey. Few seconds later he found himself standing in the middle of a dimly lit corridor of the Muggle American government agency. Snarling at the disgusting mundaneness of his surroundings he headed down the hall in his search for the information his sources told him was stored in this facility.

"Freeze!" shouted several voices behind him. Voldemort laughed and turned around to dispatch the Muggle fools who dared to interrupt him. He found himself staring at the business ends of a dozen guns. Laughing again, he reached for his wand. FBI agents interpreted his move (quite correctly), as the hostile action and pulled the triggers.

"What the hell is that?" murmured one of the agents after turning the body face-up with his foot. "Mulder, one of your little green men?" he chuckled.

Fox Mulder looked down at a snake-like face and lifeless red eyes and then stared at his fellow agent for a while. "Grey. They are grey," he said.

Or this one:

The final battle was raging and many had fallen on both sides. Voldemort strolled through the carnage and admired his army's work. Finally he found himself standing face to face with the Boy-Who-Lived and smirked. At last! He would be rid of the little pest once and for all!

Next to the blasted Potter boy stood a young girl with a strand of shining white among her long black hair.

"Hello," said Potter calmly. "I would like to introduce you to a friend of mine. Rogue, this is Tom. Tom, meet Rogue."

The girl took a step towards the confused Dark Lord and extended her hand. Dumbfounded, Voldemort took it.

It was a mistake.

Crys replied:

Thanks.    Both scenes  added to the file.

fairylights posted a comment on Saturday 11th August 2007 3:10pm

LOL! So is that where the Ent wives disappeared to?

KittyShinju posted a comment on Friday 10th August 2007 2:23pm

One of my personal favorite death's of Voldemort is the classic acme anvil dropped on him.
Also Pokemon and Barbie can be used liberally.

Ronnie McMains posted a comment on Friday 10th August 2007 8:12am

Miranda did read her bunny somewhere else. That scene (minus Tom dying) is how Snape resigned from the Death Eaters in Kinsfire's Death of a Hero.

Crys replied:

Thanks for letting me know.   I'll modify the text (eventually) to reflect that.