By Crys
Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Monday 30th January 2006 5:52am
Ch.4 - - I do hope Ginny told Arthur what didn't happened. I just don't want him to lose respect for Harry (or Ginny).
You handled everything on these issues well.
The party was interesting in your descriptions.
Fine work!
Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Monday 30th January 2006 3:36am
Ch.3 - - I like the way you have Harry going from being the one of the prophecy to the Lord of the Manor.
This was a particularly well written chapter. Taking care of all of these details has probably been tough to write well - you've succeeded.
Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Monday 30th January 2006 12:58am
Ch.2 - -Fascinating that you killed off Voldie early in Harry's sixth year. I have thought about doing it at the end of his sixth year in my story.
Now I have to see what you plan to do with the rest of Harry and Ginny's school days.
Fine tale. Fine writing.
Well done.
Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Sunday 29th January 2006 3:15pm
Ch.1 - - Excellent start to a delightful-so-far sixth year.
The Ginny and Harry moment of truth was nicely conceived and execute.
Well written and well within character dialogue,
David Thacker posted a comment on Thursday 26th January 2006 5:45am
Two things.Frist love the fact that you used the warm drinks most do not and that is even the ones from over there.Second who where the five that silenced(spelling?) Ron I belive Hermione was one but what about the others?
Crys replied:
Hmm, the five who cast the Silencing Charm?
Hadn't even thought of it, really. Just that more than one would be affected by the scene going on in front of them and would want to shut Ron up.
Well, here's a (what I think to be) reasonable list: Hermione, Natalie McDonald (Ginny's friend), Neville, Susan Bones, and Parvati.
Puck1 posted a comment on Tuesday 24th January 2006 3:11pm
Wow. Excellant!!!!!!!
Starlightsuprise posted a comment on Friday 13th January 2006 2:49am
Good story, very well written. However, for some reason ic ould not read christmas day to new year and i wonder is it possible for you to e-mail me the chapter.
P.S. well done for doing such a brill job
Aberbadger posted a comment on Thursday 12th January 2006 10:45am
Just another small point...
A person with the ability to talk to snakes is known as a Parselmouth. The language they speak is parseltongue....
Aberbadger posted a comment on Thursday 12th January 2006 8:31am
Just a small point...
I don't know if it was a deliberate error, or a freudian slip towards the end when you said that Ron 'Tossed off' the Nonpater potion - what it should have been was 'tossed back' as, in the British English colloquial language, 'Tossing off' is a synonym for masturbating...
Bill posted a comment on Tuesday 10th January 2006 2:15am
I love this story, it was the first time in all the fics that i have read that so easly goes from the war times to the peace. keep writeing because you have a great gift.
Lira posted a comment on Sunday 8th January 2006 10:35am
I totally loved your story. It's well written and very original. I totally love the idea of how it is not just Harry alone who defeats Voldemort but that he needs the help of a partner, something that's completely unheard of in het-fiction and in slash-fiction usually seems to need a soulbond with Snape or so. Also, while you went with the canon-pairings H/G, R/Hr (which incidentally are the pairings I favor when reading het-fiction), you did it without falling into any of the clichés I've seen a lot of time in a Harry/Ginny-pairing. And I liked the fact that you did not end your story with Voldemort's death but showed Harry's concern for Remus and gave him something worthwhile to do even "after fulfilling his destiny". Well done! *claps* More like this!
Only one thing I noticed that really bothered me (and which bothers me every time I see it in fanfiction!) You used both fiancée and fiancé in your story; at one time Ginny refers to herself as Harry's "fiancé" and lateron she calls Harry her "fiancée". Fiancée and fiancé being French, however, the extra e is to mark the word as referring to a female. In other words Ginny is Harry's fiancée and he is her fiancé.
Bob Joyce posted a comment on Thursday 5th January 2006 7:31am
MarinePotterfan posted a comment on Thursday 22nd December 2005 5:34am
What a GREAT! story. The best part was how Harry asked Ginny to marry him. You could really do a sequel to this stoy having Draco take up as the new DARK LORD spot.
Again Great story.
keep up the wonderful writting.
ssecca01 posted a comment on Wednesday 21st December 2005 10:53am
I really really enjoyed this story. I like how Harry and Ginny defeated Moldywort near the beginning of the story instead of the end like nearly all other HP stories do. Thanks for the great read!
Robin Westerly posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 1:35pm
I have never read a story athis good about after their victory. It is wonderful.
Thankyou for a fabulous story
Good morning
Jimbocous posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd November 2005 7:03am
Nicely done. Thanks for a great read!
Jamie46 posted a comment on Sunday 20th November 2005 5:46pm
awwwwwwwwwwwwww :) Man, what a CUTE story. ;) hehehe. I admit to being really surprised when they confronted Voldemort in chapter 2, but I *really* like how you death with all the aftermath stuff. Overall, truly a fantastic story. ;) I hope Malfoy`s doing something learning how to live as a pauper :-D hehehe. I like the `happy ending`, with Wolfden, the Scholarship Fund, the baby, good careers... and even Simon got in on the benefits ;) hehehe. `Senior Editor`. Way to go, Simon.
heheh, overall, just a great, feel-good story. :) Love it. Thanks for sharing... Now I`m off to pick another one of your stories...
patrik svensson posted a comment on Tuesday 1st November 2005 2:14am
grejt story,
keep upp the good work.
Opinions are like assholes.
Everyone has one - but some just smell worse than others.
Quizer posted a comment on Wednesday 19th October 2005 9:23am
Two chapters done, and Moldiewarts is already dead? I've read a lot of Harry Potter Fanfiction, but this is a first for me too :D
Great story overall, too, so I'll just stop rambling and read on... ;)
Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Monday 30th January 2006 7:36am