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Wolfric posted a comment on Thursday 23rd October 2008 3:11pm

This is fun. I enjoyed it. There could even be more of a story here; if you were so inspired. Thanks for writing. W.

brad posted a comment on Thursday 23rd October 2008 3:06pm

Lucky Gabrielle!

> I suppressed a shudder.

Ugh. Same here.

BloodRedJawz posted a comment on Thursday 23rd October 2008 12:46pm

luck know, some of these are so good they deserve to be full stories. like this one! id love to read a good hp/gd story...

Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Thursday 23rd October 2008 11:46am

That was an interesting part there, and liked this little moment in the dreamworld of HJ Potter, and how he thinks of the other ladies, as in treating them with respect, even when dreaming.

Lynn Terald posted a comment on Thursday 23rd October 2008 11:26am

This one might be very interesting as a full blown story in its own right. I was kinda disappointed when it ended when it did.

Crys replied:

You're not the first one to say something about that.   But the bunny I was writing out was complete, so I faded to black before the thing degenerated into a lemon.

mjc posted a comment on Thursday 23rd October 2008 10:18am

Interesting take on veela...

So, after nine months of this...does the WW have its own form of Viagra?

Crys replied:

I'm sure it does.

But she's an 18 year old veela.   You really think  Harry would need any?

steviesteveo1984 posted a comment on Thursday 23rd October 2008 10:07am

For shame, giving poor Harry such a horrible nightmare of a dream ;).

Nice update, nice theory.

Crys replied:

It's those kinds of nightmares I could do with more of ;)

jilumasam posted a comment on Thursday 23rd October 2008 8:55am

Rather amusing that Harry came up with a pretty neat explanation for Veela's in a dream!!! *giggles*

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Thursday 23rd October 2008 8:37am

Hmm, until she *really* wears him out, I seriously doubt Harry would consider that last line to be a hardship. This does introduce a bit different view of Veelas and does suggest why some wizards might be scared of them and want to control them (for the highest of reasons, of course, if you ask said wizards ;) ).

Crys replied:

"I don't really understand you or your people, but because I'm more powerful I'm going to control you.   For your own good, of course."

I can see that happening way too easily.

And yeah, I hardly think Harry finds the idea of "supporting" her difficult at all.

pfeil posted a comment on Thursday 23rd October 2008 8:34am

Interesting variation!

The whole energy thing reminds me of Vanir's Midnight Sun, BTW. Lily gene-modded Harry to be super!, so he ends up with a humanoid harem since he can support their energy needs so well.

Meteoricshipyards posted a comment on Thursday 23rd October 2008 8:27am

Interesting take on Veela. Thanks for the story.

Tom A.

Patches posted a comment on Thursday 23rd October 2008 7:05am

This is an excellent short story about Vella and Harry and Gabrielle in particular. A very interesting concept. Very well thought out. Thanks for contributing to "the story"! pms

morriganscrow posted a comment on Thursday 23rd October 2008 7:04am


Ahh Harry! Such wonderful things, dreams....

EricThorsen posted a comment on Thursday 23rd October 2008 4:48am

This story worked out very well. It contains enough elements to form a cohesive storyline, and yet completes its own plot line without demanding more story time. This is not to say this wouldn't make a great scene in a longer story, just that it can stand on its own quite well. Good work.

davidiusbrown posted a comment on Thursday 23rd October 2008 1:34am

I knew it. They're out for our precious bodily fluids.

gadriam posted a comment on Thursday 23rd October 2008 1:34am

A very interesting take on the Veela, and an intriguing tale altogether. I bow to your superior storytelling, but i miss the twist. This story feels very incomplete, like it was supposed to go on a few more sentences. Ah well. It matters little. Thank you.


Crys replied:

No twist.   Just had the idea of where the veela actually came from and wrote it out.

The scene continuation. . . ah, I don't write lemon. :)

Ben Russell-Gough posted a comment on Thursday 23rd October 2008 12:37am

Interesting theory. I don't know how unique it is but it certainly fits in with what we know about Veela (and, more importantly, would explain why a lot of Wizards look down on them as 'beasts').

A bit wordy and light on description but this is just a collection of one-shot ideas so you can get away with that. ;-)

warpwizard posted a comment on Tuesday 30th September 2008 2:11am

Hawt. :)

Lynn Terald posted a comment on Monday 29th September 2008 1:00pm

Interesting. I don't know whether to say good or creepy.

rogue7 posted a comment on Monday 29th September 2008 11:16am

Just read all 8 tales, these are great, I wouldn't mind seeing a few of these expanded into full blown AU stories :)