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Christopher Estep posted a comment on Friday 20th April 2007 12:12am going over the chapter, I have several characters' reactions, and where they fall on the List Of Suspects:

Severus Snape: While a major suspect (he is a Potions Master with known ties to the Malfoys), he definitely neither brewed the PIQ (Potion In Question) *or* administered it to Dracine Malfoy. He's upset with Harry; however, he may be actually more upset with Lucius Malfoy. He was as shocked by the results of the Charm as Harry (he is also Dracine's godfather).

Albus Dumbledore: While not a Potions Master, he also knows about the Patrus Potion (as Supreme Mugwump of the Wizengamot, however, he would know about it); he also has a Potions background (remember, he is also an alchemist). Unlike Severus Snape, however, he is NOT on good terms with Lucius Malfoy (hence not a suspect).

Horace Slughorn: Potions Master, former Slytherin, and Severus Snape's predecessor as Potions Professor (in fact, he taught Severus at Hogwarts). A possible suspect, and currently missing. Could this be one reason *why* he's in hiding?

Narcissa Black-Malfoy: Like Severus Snape, learned Potions under Horace Slughorn. Would certainly have heard of the Patrus Potion via the Black Family Library. Like all the Blacks, scarily intelligent (this *includes* Bellatrix and Andromeda). However, because of her Black Family upbringing it would have been impossible for *her* to pursue a Potions Mastery, even had she wanted to. A possible suspect.

Lucius Malfoy: Father of the victim. The *pureblood's pureblood* of his generation. Also, the most likely suspect to have ordered the brewing of the Patrus Potion and administered it (however, the *least likely* to have the skill to brew it). However, if he *did* do so, the 50,000 galleon fine is the *least* of his concerns.

Crys replied:

Why couldn't Snape have brewed the potion?   Because he acted surprised?   I remind you that he's been a spy for decades.   He's got to be a master actor.   He's also aware that being implicated in this could result in fines or jail time (and at least a mark on his reputation).   He has every reason to act surprised by what happened.   Besides, he may not even remember it himself (see below).

As an aside, he probably doesn't believe that Harry could pull off a powerful spell.   He's the one who consistently thinks Harry is a worthless wizard, and this is a tough spell to cast (only AD and FF can definitely cast it).

The scenario I came up with for seventeen years ago was that Lucius either ordered Snape to prepare it beforehand or after Dracine's birth (depending on how long it takes to brew).   Snape, being beholden to Malfoy, wanting to stay on good terms, wanting a godson and not a goddaughter, or simply for the money, does so.   Lucius either administers it himself or orders Snape or the midwife/healer to do so.

Now, here's where it can go in many directions.   Lucius could have Obliviated the knowledge from healer/midwife and maybe even Snape & Narcissa.   This, actually, makes the most sense.   He may not have Obliviated some or all, but why take the chance?   No question that he'd be willing to do all the above steps to get himself a male heir for the Malfoy name.

I agree that AD is unlikely to be in on it.   Slughorn, too, doesn't like Malfoy.   When Draco tried to horn in on the Slug Club back at the beginning of HBP, Slughorn slapped him down hard.

Narcissa is more complex.   She dotes on Draco.   Why would she want a boy more than a girl?   Possible that Lucius talked her into it, I suppose, but my hypothetical scenarios always include her not being aware of what happened.   Child taken out of the room before she could see, Obliviated later, whatever.

For the purposes of this one-shot, though, they why is irrelevant.   Only the end result is what matters to Harry.   And it is his dream / nightmare.

Patches posted a comment on Thursday 19th April 2007 8:01pm

This is real. This is life at its basic level.
What makes us happy? What do we want to do and
how do we want to live our lives? Good questions for everyone although I don't agree with Mad-eye. Death is final. There is no changing your mind after that. That is one option I cannot endorse. This does help us see
how someone really depressed could end up committing suicide though. A very thoughtful piece. Thanks for writing. pms

Alayna posted a comment on Thursday 19th April 2007 4:16am

It is a reasonable enough story. I like it.

I have read quite some stories about post war Harry, but they normally just start one year after the death of Voldemort or even later...

So if you would continue this one, I for one would read it with interest

Meteoricshipyards posted a comment on Wednesday 18th April 2007 2:26am

"Have you ever considered piracy? I think you'd make a wonderful Dread Pirate Roberts."

This isn't so sad. At least in what you presented he hasn't lost any other friends (although Neville doesn't say anything at the party, so that might not be true). I think this is something Harry will have to face.

As Luna will say in an upcoming chapter of mine, "You've achieved all your dreams. Now you need to come up with new ones."

However, his life may be like that of the astronauts who walked on the moon -- a number of them fell into depression because they had done their greatest achievement -- anything they did after that wouldn't be as great.

Anyway, thanks for the story.

Tom A.

Gardengirl posted a comment on Tuesday 17th April 2007 11:46pm

I like Remus's suggestion better, thanksverymuch. A very believable bunny. Bit heavy for my morning Cheerios, but thanks for posting just the same!

Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Tuesday 17th April 2007 10:48pm

Interesting, and thought-provoking, and it does make me wonder what might happen if Harry survives the war. Oh I'm sure there will be celebrations, but, then what? Liked this bunny a lot, not cute 'n' fluffy, but still, a good bunny.

atlantis-rob posted a comment on Tuesday 17th April 2007 10:42pm

Wow! That was pretty damn deep and depressing a bit as you said. Interesting point with the wizards having suicide as legal, but in someways a fitting and not that surprising. Excellent work on the various chats, definetly amusing with Parvati's comment. Damn good work for unbeta'd! Cheers!

UdderPD posted a comment on Tuesday 17th April 2007 8:19pm

I see what you mean about maybe not posting this, it is not the sort of thing I usually read either.

However there is a lot of truth in it and it was worth the effort of posting.

Thank You.


seekertlk posted a comment on Tuesday 17th April 2007 4:23pm

I, for one, and extremely glad you did post this. I wouldn't call it perky and cheery, but I don't think it's quite so grim as you might believe. It's also a much more...human...view of post-voldie-destruction Harry than we often see.

I think it's very good, and I think you've captured Moody extremely well.

Well played.

LoggingInSucksAss posted a comment on Tuesday 17th April 2007 3:50pm

I liked it, but I'm not really sure this belongs in -this- story. Doesn't have the flavor of the other chapters OR of a dream. It's neither a dream or a nightmare, really.

Drake posted a comment on Tuesday 17th April 2007 3:42pm

A insightful piece of work, which seems to focus on what of fanfiction authors do not want to focus on. Inevitably, their reluctance to do so can prove to be something Rowling will exploit to stay original. Thank you for exploring something not seen very often. A good read too :P, could probably read it another dozen times and still find insightful information.

simons_flower posted a comment on Tuesday 17th April 2007 3:14pm

It's not as dark and depressing as you'd think. I really enjoyed this. It's an in-depth character study in few words. Good job.

Wolfric posted a comment on Tuesday 17th April 2007 2:36pm

I like it. It has a certain feel of reality that is lacking even in a lot of angsty stories. I don't see Harry as really taking his life but considering it, I can see that. If you can see a direction to proceed; there could be some more chapters here as Harry samples life a bit and finds somes direction of his own. Thanks for writing. W.

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Tuesday 17th April 2007 1:25pm

Not a happy, light dream but a good and valid one. I can see this Harry definitely taking his time to decide "what next", though he could do worse than take Parvati up on her offer. :D Given his history with the Ministry, I really can't see him working for them in any capacity unless he was well-insulated from the nonsense. On the whole, though, I would expect him to take the time to think things through and figure out what he does want to do now that he doesn't have to focus on that bloody prophecy any more.

Jane Average posted a comment on Tuesday 17th April 2007 1:02pm

You got me all teary-eyed :) Well done :)

morriganscrow posted a comment on Tuesday 17th April 2007 12:55pm

This was a melancoly moment out of time, and I loved the two ways for Harry to talk to his folks and Sirius, one a trifle more permanent than the other.
Your version of Moody really struck a chord, as did your one of Harry.
Beautifully written, as always, and thought-provoking. Thanks for that.

haphazard1 posted a comment on Tuesday 17th April 2007 12:50pm

Very introspective, and well done. I found myself thinking that the various people Harry spoke with were really different aspects of himself, as sometimes happens in dreams. When all these aspects are externalized, what is left over as the actual Harry?

DarQuing posted a comment on Tuesday 17th April 2007 12:21pm

I'm glad you did, though. Harry never really got the closure that he needs. Some would he wasn't really of an age to remember, but deep down, he does remember (hence the voices he hears when the dementors come near him). And the only real connection he has to his parental units is through what others tell him.

Charles Slone posted a comment on Tuesday 17th April 2007 11:38am

Great chapter that actually makes me want to ask for a Second chapter for that one lol

M2J MandalorianJedi posted a comment on Tuesday 17th April 2007 11:20am

And the answer to the age old question, what WILL Harry do next? I liked this one very much. this and the Halloween one have to be my favorite two.