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Noble Korhedron posted a comment on Wednesday 4th June 2014 9:18am

MORE!! MORE ASAP PLEASE!! Forget teh lemons, this is just TOO funny! :-D

Noble Korhedron posted a comment on Wednesday 4th June 2014 9:13am

"Ginny said, "Dean, leave."

Dean obediently turned and headed toward the door, stopping only long enough to pick up the remaining hangover cure doses.

"Harry, take off that robe and get in here," Hermione ordered."

*cracks up laughing*

potterfrkintx posted a comment on Saturday 16th July 2011 6:20am

That was excellent!

NuitTombee posted a comment on Wednesday 29th September 2010 4:06am

I still love this one.

goku90504 posted a comment on Saturday 24th April 2010 9:59pm


noylj posted a comment on Thursday 17th September 2009 6:29pm

Is this the "end" end or are youstopping the story here?
At least no girl will be ruined by the Ginger mo(Ron).

Crys replied:

It was suggested that I write another chapter from Molly's PoV, but I don't think that'll happen.

That is the end of this story.

Glad you enjoyed it.

LuffyLaxer posted a comment on Friday 11th September 2009 8:07pm

very funny story. ron and colin though? never would have thought of it. 10/10

Lathena posted a comment on Friday 23rd January 2009 6:25am


Carolyn Jinn posted a comment on Monday 1st December 2008 5:44pm

These three stories were absolutely great. They had me laughing all the way through.

The only thing that may help these stories, would be to read about the night before's party and games. Also, how each person ended up in their respective beds with their partners.

BUT... It was a great read.

dennisud posted a comment on Friday 3rd October 2008 3:35am

I'm really intrigued by the romantic pairngs and trio as well. Wished Luna had also appeared either in Harry's crowded bed or Nevilles! And what about Padma???


Crys replied:

To directly answer the question: Luna and Padma are Ravenclaws.   The party happened in the Gryffindor common room, so they aren't part of the aftermath.

Indirectly answering: Padma was safely in the author's . . . protective custody.   Yeah, that's it.

Aelita posted a comment on Monday 5th November 2007 12:37pm


gadriam posted a comment on Thursday 29th March 2007 1:26am

Pure genius. No bloody angst or anything, just a really good time. Thanx. I needed that.


darthloki posted a comment on Tuesday 6th March 2007 11:16pm

"Imagine Ron's expression if he woke up next to Snape."

ImNotTheMilkAndCheeriosInYourSpoon posted a comment on Sunday 4th March 2007 5:42am

omg omg omg omg

great...hilarious, couldnt stop laughing...

am going to recomend to a friend...loved it...hilarious!

James Barber posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 8:18am

Hey that was damn GOOD! and oh my I wanna be Harry right now....

GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Tuesday 28th November 2006 5:58am

So you must have a couple of girls paired off. 15 students (minus Dean) -- 8 girls, 7 boys. Less Ron and Colin leaves 8 girls 5 boys. Less Harry, Ginny, and Hermione leaves 6 girls 4 boys. So who's paried with whom and why does Dean wonder about Ron and Colin when he must've stumbled upon a girl pair?

Crys replied:

Your initial assumption was off.   Sixteen students, 9 boys, 7 girls.   Five 7th year boys (Harry's year),  three 7th year girls, and 4 each boys and girls in 6th year.

Dean.   8 and 7.

Harry, Hermione, Ginny.   7 and 5

Ron and Colin.   5 and 5.

Seamus and Lav.   Parv and Nev.   3 and 3 which are split evenly among the sixth year students.

Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Saturday 16th September 2006 8:11pm

LOL. I think they're about to make Harry very happy indeed. Extremely funny chapter.

Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Saturday 16th September 2006 8:08pm

"I defeated Lord Badass-Snake-Face-Who's-Now-Pushing-Up-Venomous-Tentaculas" was brilliant. Harry's point of view on this was so funny all the way through. I now have a massive grin on my face. Great stuff.

Ken Warner posted a comment on Tuesday 15th August 2006 3:01am

great little story, I like how well you handled the differing voices in making them so distinctly recognizable and you changed POV

KenF posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd August 2006 12:13pm

MMMmmm.... So, Harry gets every man's dream, OK, not twins, but close enough. Good for him!

Thanks for the laugh.