The Wedding
By Crys
Renzo7 posted a comment on Saturday 1st August 2009 3:05am for The Wedding
Great work, as usual. The learning's about to begin :P Hope to see you update soon
liquidfyre posted a comment on Saturday 1st August 2009 2:48am for The Wedding
Oh and by the way
Its good to have you back and writing again. A lot of the authors here seem to have stopped for some reason. Having you back and writing again is a real pick me up, and I have NEEDED one of them. I love the stories that are being updated for the most part, dont get me wrong, but having a good author start up again is Damn nice.
liquidfyre posted a comment on Saturday 1st August 2009 2:41am for The Wedding
That was just SO very very wrong
That was even worse than a cliffie
May rabid weasels gnaw at your toes until you squeal like a lil piggy
Hellaciously good story so far though keep up the good work
slickrcbd posted a comment on Saturday 1st August 2009 2:14am for The Wedding
Evil Cliffhanger!
So, the girls were attacked or kidnapped while he was in the loo? Or is Draco, Crabb, & Goyle there to "take back what is rightfully theirs"? Maybe the Ministry is there to enforce some asinine law that won't go over well with Harry at the best of Lucius Malofy?
Minerva Granger posted a comment on Saturday 1st August 2009 1:01am for The Wedding
I really really love this fic. Great new chapter, the one thing no-one guessed for ruined their plans, and nice way of keeping it all peaceful. Poor Daphne and Tracey, what a life they've now got. Poor Harry, what an awful dillemma. Still, they'll muddle through. Harry always muddlles through. I look forward t the next installment.
ching965 posted a comment on Saturday 1st August 2009 12:09am for The Wedding
Great chapter. The situation they're in isn't ideal, but Harry seems to be handling it the best he can. Ron's attitude is a bit of a disappointment, though definitely to be expected from him. I hope all goes well for Harry, Daphne, and Tracey. Thank you for a phenomenal story. Hope for more soon.
Wish you the best.
Lee Dickie posted a comment on Friday 31st July 2009 11:58pm for The Wedding
Great writing, thanks.
KrzaQ posted a comment on Friday 31st July 2009 11:40pm for The Wedding
The whole premise of the story is a little silly, but so far execution is really good.
The only problem I have is girls being able to throw off Imperius Curse (also please note that there is no "o" in "Imperius", so "Imperious" is incorrect). Back to T&D throwing it off, I am fairly certain that while they, or probably anyone else, should be able to throw curse cast by the cretins they were supposed to marry, they wouldn't stand a chance against a trained wizard. To be honest, it only makes sense as a plot device to have Harry's enemies unable to attack him using his girls.
Still, I'd love to see more and hope that next update will be sooner than in two weeks.
ShadeHawk posted a comment on Friday 31st July 2009 11:26pm for The Wedding
"Grow up," Neville repeated in disgust.
"Why?" Ron asked.
"Because Hermione will dump you if you don't," Dean answered.
Very, very nice. And very true.
Thanks for continuing this story. Keep up good work!
Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Friday 31st July 2009 11:13pm for The Wedding
Nice section, and it was great to see several things here, including the meet with the Dad's and their apparent acceptance of the situation, and now if only the Mom in laws will come aroud nicely. Also good to see that Ron can seemed to be taught to learn when to keep his mouth shut, if only for a moment, but I keep waiting for him to say something to finally erage Harry or Hermione to the point that they get fed the heck up. Funny that Harry seems to have a small amount of money there, relatively speaking, and wonder if someone on one side or another decided that the money would be better served for either the greater evil or good, and it'd just be a nuisance to bother asking Harry about it. Given how willing Albus is to defend Snape, and not his weapon, might make sense. Looking forward to what happens with the girls next, and how things might spiral out of control more.
DrT posted a comment on Friday 31st July 2009 8:39pm for The Wedding
H'mmm, 12,000 galleons doesn't match the mounds of gold described in book one . . . wonder what Gringotts is up to. . . .
Crys replied:
Okay, a "mound of gold" to an 11 year old, minus seven years worth of tuition, room and board, and spending money. Then Harry asks for both girls' school expenses to be paid.
Who says 12k galleons isn't accurate? Okay, in canon it's implied to be a lot, but I'm not going to go with "Harry's rich as the Malfoys" here.
Sorry, no conspiracy to steal from the orphan here.
E5150 posted a comment on Friday 31st July 2009 8:33pm for The Wedding
HAHA! Now that is an evil cliffhanger!
Somehow I doubt the scene Harry see's isn't what my pervy mind wants it to be. But I can still hope. :P
Excellent chapter, looking forward to more.
Crys replied:
Actually it probably is (or is at least close) to what your pervy mind wants.
But the rating of this story is Teen+, and I won't be exceeding it.
miahtech posted a comment on Friday 31st July 2009 6:50pm for The Wedding
I'm finding this story interesting. Look forward to where you take it.
Jeff Bernstein posted a comment on Friday 31st July 2009 5:16pm for The Wedding
Good story, it is hard to wait two weeks between chapters (but I guess good writing takes time) Considering Dumbledore's actions so far I am guessing that Harry's funds are not quite as low as he was lead to believe, at least I hope so, since he has three people he has to support
Wolfric posted a comment on Friday 31st July 2009 3:20pm for The Wedding
Good chapter. Thanks for writing. W.
pfeil posted a comment on Friday 31st July 2009 3:09pm for The Wedding
Good to see Ron remaining in character.
Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Friday 31st July 2009 3:02pm for The Wedding
*chuckle* The poor boy is going to have qutie a time adjusting to these two and the situation he's found himself in. It should be qutie interesting to see how all of them make the best of it; I daresay he's going to need to make some severe adjustments, as will his two concubines.
whatareyouevensaying posted a comment on Friday 31st July 2009 2:51pm for The Wedding
What a tease that was! Still a good update...I'm glad you went the sensible route with the in-laws being grateful. Pity I can't say the same for Ron. Any chance you're setting him up for a failure with his own significant other?
Looking forward to more.
Crys replied:
> Any chance you're setting him up for a failure with his own significant other?
Who, me? *innocent whistling*I have mentioned I don't like Ron, right?
Thanks for reviewing.
Peter Clark posted a comment on Friday 31st July 2009 2:43pm for The Wedding
Who would have thought that at the end he would walk into a threesome between Snape, Draco and Great Dane named Phil?
Crys replied:
Not a Great Dane; Phil is a pit bull.
No, sorry, what he saw was nothing quite so disturbing.
Time Shifter posted a comment on Saturday 1st August 2009 3:25am for The Wedding