One Week Later
By Crys
LynnTerald posted a comment on Friday 16th October 2009 5:18pm for One Week Later
I politely disagree with James and say that you did not fuck up the ending, but that is just my opinion. The ending fits well with the rest of the theme of the story and one can appreciae that his "wife" is no longer to be viewed as property. I cn also appreciate how she got free. It just seems like you could have done a little more with it is all.
LynnTerald posted a comment on Friday 16th October 2009 5:15pm for One Week Later
Its an alright ending, but not up to you usual par.
James Barber posted a comment on Friday 16th October 2009 4:57pm for One Week Later
What the FUCK are you doing!!!!!!!!! you took a great story and totally FUCKED it UP!
Drake Vega posted a comment on Friday 16th October 2009 4:36pm for One Week Later
Huh. Well.
No doubt I'm not the only one who will say they didn't see _that_ end coming, but I
_LOVED_ it! A perfectly trippy/twisted ending to a rather good story considering the dark backbone of it.
Nicely done.
à ¤
Crys replied:
Glad you liked it.
94caddy posted a comment on Friday 16th October 2009 2:53pm for One Week Later
Sorry to say but after a great story I thought that was a bad last chapter. I love your writing so anything new I will look forward to reading.
Bob Officer posted a comment on Friday 16th October 2009 1:40pm for One Week Later
Sort of anticlimactic isn't it? No death visions, not much other stuff...
Short and to the point. Not even any open questions left.
Not even much of a life goes onward.
ridmania posted a comment on Friday 16th October 2009 12:08pm for One Week Later
alright now as always you've writtewn really great but damn lol didn't like how that turned out but good story anyway.cant wait for another one from you
Minerva Granger posted a comment on Friday 16th October 2009 10:02am for One Week Later
Great. Fantastic. Sequel. Please. Oh, and get a wriggle on with 1001 deaths. I love your writing.
00_Knight posted a comment on Friday 16th October 2009 9:55am for One Week Later
I have long since been spoiled by good authors that have given a great couple of hours of reading per update. So while you've got excellent literary skills, its still disappointing to have such short chapters from you when you've started out with big ones.
As far as Tracy's freedom/lawsuit I saw that one coming, or at least her freedom, as well as guessing about the last bit about "Being free to say 'No'" and the rest.
A+ for the first 7 chapters, and C- and B for the last 2 respectively. All in all it was a decent read.
Can't wait to see where your imagination takes you next, I can only hope it doesn't abandon you halfway through though! :-D
Carol Layland posted a comment on Friday 16th October 2009 9:44am for One Week Later
Well, You are right. Two very short chapter, good ones though, but where do you go from here? Please let there be more to this wonderful story. Please let there be a happy ending for Harry as well. Carol Layland.
whatareyouevensaying posted a comment on Friday 16th October 2009 9:30am for One Week Later
Definitely unexpected, but in a good way. I've read a lot of stories in which Harry has female slaves (the deviant in me is strong, I guess), but I don't think I've ever seen them be freed. It is a horrible thing that Daphne died, but I will admit that Tracey was the more interesting character.
I wonder what the next chapter will bring. I'll be looking forward to it, as always.
Cenladil posted a comment on Friday 16th October 2009 9:27am for One Week Later
mwinter posted a comment on Friday 16th October 2009 9:25am for One Week Later
I have to say the story was well written. I meaning the grammer and spelling. I have enjoyed most of the story. Wished Harry had a bit more back bone when coming to dealing with Malfoy and Snape. But the last two chapters have left me dry in the mouth thinking that these while could go with what you wrote just don't seem to fit with the story. At least in my opion. I did see the death of Harry however breif would lead to the girls being set free. If you have another chapter now I see based on the story that your setting up Harry and Hermione (possibly). But the last two chapters just don't sit well with me. Well even though i wish for a different ending the author is the one who wrote. Thanks for posting.
Brian64 posted a comment on Friday 16th October 2009 8:40am for One Week Later
Well... after 7 thoroughly enjoyable chapters the last two have left me thoroughly depressed. I haven't felt this let down by a fic since I read Clell's Marriage Contracts story.
Hey, I admit it, I'm selfish. I read for my own enjoyment, not so I can bask in the awesomeness of an author's wordsmithing. Funnily enough, I don't enjoy reading about Harry's love interests getting either raped (as in Clell's fic above), or killed (as in this one).
Was the fic well-written and believable? Absolutely. Was a death telegraphed (before chapter 8)? Not that I picked up, but I did spot that Harry's brief death would break the chattel contract even before Tracey reached for her hair clip.
I think I understand why you split chapter 8 and 9. I can't see you doing it just to get a whole bunch of 'oh noes, don't kill Daphne!' reviews, so I'm pretty sure this was your take on the "your cat's on the roof.." method of breaking bad news to your readers.
Well, since the tale is still marked WIP, I'll assume there is more to come. I can only hope it's not going to be one of those 10 years later epilogues where they meet up again and decide to start dating (after the best of their youth is gone). I think that kind of RL style mediocrity would suck what goodness was left out of your fic.
Panaka posted a comment on Friday 16th October 2009 8:08am for One Week Later
Review if this is the last chapter:
not very predictable, original ending to the story. Very nice.....
And totally lame, assuming this is the end. Feels fabricated to by 'something not expected' and leaves me with a feeling that there's a lot missing. Harry went trough all that and is left with an Elf, an old house and some money. Where is reward. Real life can suck, but this isn't real life.
If this isn't the end:
I hope you have something pretty spectacular lined up for the epiloque, because this sucks as an ending.
gunners posted a comment on Friday 16th October 2009 7:25am for One Week Later
Hmmmmm.....just had to kill Daphne did you?
Well its your story,though a bit sad that the ending finished without Harry getting together with either of his wife,as one is dead and the other is scorned upon by society.
A very short chapter to wrap it all up.
Wolfric posted a comment on Friday 16th October 2009 7:19am for One Week Later
Good chapter. Thanks for writing. W.
Frank Hacklander posted a comment on Friday 16th October 2009 6:25am for One Week Later
Ok. Nice plot flip. Upon a re-read, all is clear. You left us with something of a cliffie last week and now you leave us with perhaps yet another. Looking forward to the resolution.
Soothingmadness posted a comment on Friday 16th October 2009 6:07am for One Week Later
Well that and the last chapter were very large let downs.
Darke Gray posted a comment on Friday 16th October 2009 5:33pm for One Week Later