Hogwarts Tally Sheet "Jelly Beans." The gargoyle guarding Headmaster Dumbledore's office sprang aside, giving Harry, Hermione, and Ron easy access to the slowly rising staircase. "Come in," the Headmaster's voice beckoned them after Ron knocked. The trio entered the office calmly. The Welcoming Feast had just ended, so there wasn't any trouble they could've gotten into so early in their seventh year. Once through the door, Harry broke into a grin and stepped over to the other man in the room. "Moony!" "Harry," Remus Lupin smiled warmly, giving the young man a hug in return. "What are you doing here?" Harry asked as Dumbledore ushered Ron and Hermione to seats. "Not that I'm not glad to see you, but I thought you were off on assignment somewhere," he finished, taking a seat near where Remus was standing. Lupin glanced over at Dumbledore for a moment before returning his attention to Harry. "Not at the moment. I was asked to finish a project that James, Lily, Sirius, and I started when we were in school." The reference to Harry's lost parents and godfather instantly sobered the three students. "What project is that?" Hermione asked into the ensuing silence after a quick glance at Harry. Lupin waved a hand at the stack of parchment on Dumbledore's desk. "Hogwarts Tally Sheets." "Hogwarts Tally Sheets?" Ron echoed. Lupin nodded. "You all know about the Marauder's Map, right?" At the trio's nod, he continued, "This was an early version of the same idea. It works on some of the same principles, but not all. Instead of current location on a map, it just gives location by category plus some overall numbers. Let me show you." He picked up one of the pieces of parchment and tilted it so the three students could see. At the moment, it had a title of "Hogwarts Tally Sheet" but was otherwise blank. Remus pulled out his wand and tapped the sheet. "I'm a former student. Activate tally sheet." Below the title, more words faded into existence until the sheet read: Hogwarts Tally Sheet September 1st, 1997 Former Student Gryffindor: 0 Ravenclaw: 0 Hufflepuff: 0 Slytherin: 0 "As you can see," Remus said after giving the three a few seconds to read it, "For a former student it only gives current house points." "You had to identify yourself as a former student?" Harry asked. Lupin nodded. He tapped the parchment again and said, "Deactivate tally sheet." The parchment cleared itself until only the title remained. He tapped it again. "I'm a student. Activate tally sheet." The parchment remained blank. He nodded and handed it to Hermione. Taking the cue, she removed her wand, tapped the parchment, and said, "I'm a student. Activate tally sheet." The page filled out again. Hogwarts Tally Sheet September 1st, 1997 Current Student Gryffindor: 0 Ravenclaw: 0 Hufflepuff: 0 Slytherin: 0 Days until next Hogsmeade visit: 33 Days until next Quidditch match: 40 Minutes until next class period: 524 "Now tell it you're a prefect," Lupin suggested with a grin. Tap. "Deactivate tally sheet." Tap. "I'm a prefect. Activate tally sheet." Hogwarts Tally Sheet September 1st, 1997 Prefect Gryffindor: 0 Ravenclaw: 0 Hufflepuff: 0 Slytherin: 0 Days until next Hogsmeade visit: 33 Days until next Quidditch match: 40 Minutes until next prefect meeting: 6923 Minutes until next class period: 523 Students: 223 Common Rooms: 137 Dormitories: 78 Great Hall: 3 Library: 0 Classrooms: 0 Hallways: 2 Other: 3 Remus picked another one of the parchments off of the stack and handed it to Harry with a grin. Tap. "I'm the head boy. Activate tally sheet." Hogwarts Tally Sheet September 1st, 1997 Head Boy Gryffindor: 0 Ravenclaw: 0 Hufflepuff: 0 Slytherin: 0 Days until next Hogsmeade visit: 33 Days until next Quidditch match: 40 Minutes until next class period: 521 Minutes until next prefect meeting: 6921 Minutes until next staff meeting: 8361 Professors: 14 Staff: 106 Students: 223 Others: 23 Common Rooms: 134 Dormitories: 78 Apartments: 16 Great Hall: 106 Library: 0 Classrooms: 0 Hallways: 22 Offices: 9 Hospital Wing: 1 Other Locations: 0 "Who is in the 'Others' category?" Hermione asked, eyes taking in the expanded information on Harry's sheet. "Anyone in the castle who isn't a professor, staff, or student. As I don't fall into those categories, I'm one of the twenty-three. The ghosts except Professor Binns would also be listed in there." "One hundred and six staff?" Ron asked. Hermione answered, "Madam Pomfrey, Madam Pince, Madam Hooch, Filch, house elves, and probably Headmaster Dumbledore since he's not teaching." She looked up at the Headmaster in question. Dumbledore smiled and nodded. "Very good, Miss Granger. One point to Gryffindor." Both active tally sheets smoothly modified themselves to show that Gryffindor House now had one point. "Cool," observed Ron. Remus handed the next sheet to Ron and then turned to Dumbledore. "I've made enough tally sheets for all prefects, Harry, Hannah, the professors, and you." "What information does the sheet give for professors?" Ron asked with a grin. Lupin gave a small answering smile and turned to Dumbledore with a raised eyebrow. Eagerly, Dumbledore pulled one of the tally sheets toward himself. Giving it a soft tap, he said, "I am headmaster. Activate tally sheet." Hogwarts Tally Sheet September 1st, 1997 Headmaster Gryffindor: 1 Ravenclaw: 0 Hufflepuff: 0 Slytherin: 0 Days until next Hogsmeade visit: 33 Days until next Quidditch match: 40 Minutes until next staff meeting: 6916 Professors: 14 Staff: 106 Students: 223 Others: 23 Common Rooms: 124 Dormitories: 121 Apartments: 17 Great Hall: 69 Library: 0 Classrooms: 0 Hallways: 26 Offices: 8 Hospital Wing: 1 Other Locations: 0 "Not much difference," Ron noted, glancing between Dumbledore's and Harry's pages. "Tap it again and tell it to locate someone or identify any of the categories," Lupin invited Dumbledore. The twinkle in his eye flaring, Dumbledore tapped the parchment. "Locate Harry Potter." The words, "Gryffindor", "Students", and "Offices" all began glowing. Harry's name faded into existence at the bottom of the page. Smiling slightly, Dumbledore tapped it again, "Identify Offices." Gryffindor, Professors, Staff, Students, Others, and Offices all glowed. At the bottom, came the list: Albus Dumbledore, Hermione Granger, Remus Lupin, Minerva McGonagall, Harry Potter, Severus Snape, Sybil Trelawney, and Ronald Weasley. Ron immediately took one of the sheets, activated it, and asked it to, "Locate Virginia Weasley." The tally sheet did not respond to this last command. "Sorry, that ability is only available to professors and headmasters," Remus told him with a wolfish grin. Ron sunk back into his chair in disappointment. "They only work on Hogwarts grounds, and it won't give you more information than you're entitled to, but it will give you less if you want. Like you did, Hermione, when you identified yourself as a student instead of a prefect," Lupin added. Nodding, Dumbledore deactivated his sheet, followed by the other three. Dumbledore then counted fourteen sheets off the top of the stack and pushed the remainder toward Harry. "Please take these and distribute them to the rest of the prefects at your meeting as well as instructions on how to use them. Remus," he stood and offered his hand to the former professor, "thank you for the wondrous gift. It lets me rest easier knowing I can locate Harry at a moment's notice." Harry gave his headmaster an exasperated grin as the three students made their farewells and good nights. The three were barely away from the gargoyle in front of Dumbledore's office when Lupin called out, "Wait up, Harry." They stopped as the werewolf came up to them. He smiled at Ron and Hermione. "Could I borrow Harry for just a minute?" The two prefects shared a shrug before bidding Harry and Remus a farewell. Harry turned to Lupin with a small smile. "How're you doing, Moony?" Remus grinned. Despite repeated attempts, he couldn't get the young man to consistently call him "Remus". They had eventually found neutral ground with "Moony", however. "I'm doing well, all things considered. Listen, I wanted to tell you one last thing about the tally sheets and to give you your birthday present." He dug a scrap of parchment out of his pocket and thrust it at Harry. Harry shook his head, refusing the parchment. "You don't have to do this, Moony." "No," Remus agreed, "but I want to. Happy Birthday, Little Prongs." Harry smiled at the nickname that Moony had insisted he be saddled with. Muttering a distracted, "Thanks," he unfolded the parchment to discover he had a healthy credit line at Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. "You put that to good use," Remus instructed with a mischievous grin. "As for the tally sheet, identify yourself by relation to a Marauder. Just don't do it where any professor can see you." With that cryptic advice, he bid a cheerful farewell and headed toward the Entrance Hall. ******************** It took several whispered tries late that evening before Harry figured out what Moony meant. "I am the son of Prongs. Activate tally sheet." Hogwarts Tally Sheet September 2nd, 1997 Marauder in training Gryffindor: 1 Ravenclaw: 0 Hufflepuff: 0 Slytherin (the slimy gits): 0 Days until next overt Zonko and Three Broomsticks visit: 32 Days until next Quidditch match: 39 Minutes until a professor expects to see you in class: 411 Minutes until the prefects are otherwise occupied: 6811 Minutes until the professors are otherwise occupied: 8251 Gryffindor password: gosling fluff Ravenclaw password: callisto Hufflepuff password: obscure Slytherin (the slimy gits) password: purity Professors: 14 House Elves: 101 Other Staff: 5 Students: 223 Ghosts and poltergeists: 22 Others: 0 Common Rooms: 17 Dormitories: 199 In a dormitory other than their own: 1 House Elf barracks: 101 Professor and Staff Apartments: 18 In an apartment other than their own: 1 Great Hall: 0 Kitchens: 0 Library: 0 Classrooms: 0 Hallways: 20 Potions Master Private Storage Room: 0 Potions Master Office: 0 Caretaker's Office: 0 Offices (other): 0 Hospital Wing: 0 Astronomy Tower: 2 Owlery: 0 Room of Requirement: 0 Prefect Bathroom (male): 0 Prefect Bathroom (female): 2 Trophy Room: 2 Charms Corridor Broom Closet: 0 Entrance Hall Broom Closet: 0 North Wing Broom Closet: 0 Dungeons Broom Closet: 0 Moaning Myrtle's Bathroom: 1 Other Locations: 1 Studying (poor sods): 0 Eating: 0 Sleeping: 308 Gossiping: 22 Snogging: 10 Shagging: 2 Into other mischief: 2 Otherwise: 21 Letting a wide grin form, Harry tapped the page again and whispered, "Locate Draco Malfoy." His eyes lit up with the categories that began to glow.