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Wanderer posted a comment on Monday 18th November 2019 5:16pm for What If: Stupefy

Continuing to ignore horcruxes, this makes for an very interesting alternate timeline :-)

EdTheBeast posted a comment on Monday 7th January 2019 1:44pm for What If: Stupefy

Very nice, what if!

Noble Korhedron posted a comment on Wednesday 4th June 2014 11:34am for What If: Stupefy


selonianth posted a comment on Sunday 3rd July 2011 3:52pm for What If: Stupefy

Definetly Interesting...

delrusant posted a comment on Sunday 3rd October 2010 5:59am for What If: Stupefy

point for good guy Snape, he really can grow up??

Chindabe posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd September 2009 11:44am for What If: Stupefy


Crys replied:

Glad you enjoyed it :)

lordlugos posted a comment on Saturday 1st August 2009 6:08pm for What If: Stupefy

Now that's how it should have gone. Period. While book 3 is my favourite, the ending is not, right behind the book 5 ending.

Patches posted a comment on Saturday 10th May 2008 4:54pm for What If: Stupefy

Wow! What a difference casting a spell could make. I like this version. Thanks for writing. pms

Prongs1977 posted a comment on Sunday 27th April 2008 10:20am for What If: Stupefy

Are you going to continue this? It's a GREAT start for an AU!

Crys replied:

No, wasn't planning on continuing it.   Let me know if you want to adopt it.

Thanks for the compliment.

squidtamer posted a comment on Tuesday 16th October 2007 12:15pm for What If: Stupefy

An interesting little aside that leaves all sorts of questions open about the coming year/years

Milarqui posted a comment on Tuesday 2nd October 2007 1:12am for What If: Stupefy

Oooh, it sounds cool! I would love to see what would happen in the next year!

Muggleborn Prince posted a comment on Saturday 8th September 2007 5:57am for What If: Stupefy

This is good are you sure you can another chapter or something would be great, not pushing though.

Minerva Granger posted a comment on Wednesday 1st August 2007 4:24pm for What If: Stupefy

Wow. This actually happened the way i wish it had in the book! And SNAPE! So out of character, so... COOL!!

Hannah3 posted a comment on Saturday 30th June 2007 1:02pm for What If: Stupefy


HappeeGoLuckee posted a comment on Sunday 20th May 2007 11:52am for What If: Stupefy

Please write more to this? I really want more!

GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Thursday 30th November 2006 4:05am for What If: Stupefy

More. You should continue this

Patches posted a comment on Thursday 28th September 2006 1:35pm for What If: Stupefy

This is a really good alternate ending to the situation with Harry, Sirius, Remus, Pettigrew, etc. I like the fact that Remus is teaching again. Thanks so much for a lighter outcome. pms

Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Saturday 16th September 2006 7:59pm for What If: Stupefy

Aww. That was really sweet. I love the idea of how things could have been. It worked really well. Good story.

Jack-A-Roe posted a comment on Monday 21st August 2006 11:45am for What If: Stupefy

I liked it.

A nice little fairy tale of what could have happened if they had taken more care with Peter.

Mayjest posted a comment on Wednesday 31st May 2006 6:57am for What If: Stupefy

Well, I almost definately prefer this version rather than what actually happened. You'd have thought the defense professor would have realised that stunning Pete would certainly be a lot easier. He could have tied him up afterwards if he was really desperate.

Know any stories that continued this idea? I'd certainly like to see how Voldemort tries to come back without Crouch and Pettegrew.

Crys replied:

"You'd have thought the defense professor would have realised that stunning Pete would certainly be a lot easier. "
That's exactly why I wrote this.   One of those, "You should've done this!" situations.   Hindsight and JKR's needs for the story, though, are kinda hard to argue.

Sorry, don't know of anyone continuing the storyline.