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noylj posted a comment on Saturday 23rd August 2008 5:01am for October 31 to November 6

Where is Mollycoddle screaming about her baby being an adult and needing protection and not to go off with Harry and be a scarlet woman and how Harry is really not old enough and should live at the Burrow and not even think about anything else except school and maybe Harry should get rid of the Manor and just live at the Burrow permanently as the manor is too big for him?

GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Wednesday 29th November 2006 7:01am for October 31 to November 6

Two more months -- I thought this ended November 6, when is Christmas in UK?

Crys replied:

Christmas is the same time in the UK as in the US.   Harry was speaking approxiamately, not literally.   Two months would be January 6, which would still be, more or less, during the holiday break.

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Saturday 6th May 2006 3:40pm for October 31 to November 6

Very good, love that the big bad guy was taken out early and we get some good fun stuff. Nice story.


Patches posted a comment on Sunday 19th March 2006 5:35pm for October 31 to November 6

Very good. I like the fact that Voldemort is dead and Harry's life is actually going on in a faily normal manner. I'm glad he is growing up and taking a mature attitude about things. I like the fact that he has reunited the Potter Family house elves. Hermione will just have to learn how to deal with it.
I understand that Harry and Ginny are progressing slowly but there still needs to be some romance! Thanks for writing.

noylj posted a comment on Wednesday 15th February 2006 7:36am for October 31 to November 6

Really great story. I like reading some post-Moldy stories where Harry is starting to learn to live.

Rocky235 posted a comment on Friday 10th February 2006 6:21am for October 31 to November 6

Killing Voldie early.. Everything you do surprises me. It's wonderful.

Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Monday 30th January 2006 3:36am for October 31 to November 6

Ch.3 - - I like the way you have Harry going from being the one of the prophecy to the Lord of the Manor.

This was a particularly well written chapter. Taking care of all of these details has probably been tough to write well - you've succeeded.
