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EdTheBeast posted a comment on Monday 7th January 2019 1:53pm for Karma

OK. Cute & funny!

Noble Korhedron posted a comment on Wednesday 4th June 2014 11:31am for Karma

Weird. Completely werid....

Celexs posted a comment on Friday 22nd June 2012 8:54pm for Karma

This is a highly amusing story, there seems to be a bit of a secret at the end there though. Either way entertaining read.


solitare99 posted a comment on Tuesday 5th June 2012 3:59pm for Karma

I would have liked to see Harry's reaction to the immense corniness that occured right in front of him.

ILikeToRead posted a comment on Monday 22nd August 2011 11:13pm for Karma

Fun times for this story and thanks for sharing!

selonianth posted a comment on Sunday 3rd July 2011 3:33pm for Karma

Made me laugh very very hard. Thanks for writing it.

delrusant posted a comment on Sunday 3rd October 2010 8:27am for Karma

overly overboard but still funny ;-)

balrogbob posted a comment on Monday 1st February 2010 12:11am for Karma

)_( Mwahahahaha. 'Nuf said.

Wolfman posted a comment on Wednesday 18th November 2009 7:42am for Karma

Fate owes Karma? I wonder where that will lead?

Chindabe posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd September 2009 11:37am for Karma







bgoldnyxnet posted a comment on Friday 7th August 2009 3:06pm for Karma

After reading this, all I can say is ROFLMAO!

Minerva Granger posted a comment on Wednesday 24th September 2008 4:43pm for Karma

One? I would have thought Fate owes Karma SEVERAL after that stuff up! Very nice, although I have to admit I've borrowed one of your ideas for a few fics of my own.

Crys replied:

Really?   Which idea and what story of yours?   Certainly not upset, just curious.

dunlar81 posted a comment on Wednesday 6th August 2008 9:35am for Karma

That has to be one of the funniest oneshots I have read in sometime. I would also like to tell you that it was awesome. I do not know what to say but it would almost be worth asking if there was a chance of a small follow up. But please accept my congratulations in such a wonderful story. And I hope to read many more like it.

ahyanah posted a comment on Sunday 3rd February 2008 3:27pm for Karma


squidtamer posted a comment on Tuesday 16th October 2007 11:44am for Karma

heh. Enjoyable but a touch odd at the beginning and end like you were leading up to more, but cut it short with the Fate/Karma interaction.

Hemotem posted a comment on Thursday 6th September 2007 2:49am for Karma

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! Love the story now I have to read the rest of your works because I like the stories Thank you


dzio posted a comment on Sunday 12th August 2007 3:38am for Karma

lmao. :D
The only thing missing is poor Harry's reaction to all this. I was waiting for him to start running for the hills while screaming his head off halfway through this whole thing. ;)

Crys replied:

Once his brain reboots, he probably would :)

JPLBMX posted a comment on Saturday 9th June 2007 6:45pm for Karma

haha love it i wish we knew more about this karma person though

Infin1x posted a comment on Friday 1st June 2007 10:00pm for Karma

That is truly hysterical. Always enjoyable to have well done anthropomorphic beings in a story.

Treck posted a comment on Tuesday 20th March 2007 8:09am for Karma

And Harry lives happily ever after...

In St. Mungos counting all the pretty flowers on the white walls between Psych potions.