By Crys
fyrecat posted a comment on Monday 30th May 2011 6:18pm
Arrrrgh! what a cliffie! I am really enjoying the story so far, and hope that you will update it soon.
As a gamer myself, I am very much enjoying this story, especially since we are gaming in the forgotten realms world. I have 'been' to silverymoon and other places, so it's especially fun to read stories going on in that world.
Ariel Schnee posted a comment on Monday 5th October 2009 11:01am
Hope to read more of this soon.
Eskaybe posted a comment on Thursday 9th April 2009 4:06pm
Lady Luck was kind to me today and led me to this story! I've enjoyed your characters very much and am eager to read more about your Immortal Realms.
Loopy Dane posted a comment on Friday 21st September 2007 8:39am
what a wonderful story. I know you abandoned this long ago, but if the muse ever strikes you to take it up again, I would love to see it continue.
Thank you for sharing your time and obvious talent with us.
Puidwen posted a comment on Tuesday 4th September 2007 3:11pm
well tht last line was a shocker
David posted a comment on Tuesday 13th February 2007 5:08pm
Wow. Go Theo.
scott2 posted a comment on Wednesday 30th August 2006 12:48am
Great story, I think I have reviewed before but am quite happy to reread a classic, honestly wish their were other stories of this cross (HL/FR) because of the vast possibilities, if you know of the equilivent or of such a story that motivated you to write this one I would be in your debt to know it, in any case, truly enjoy this story and your others :)
Crys replied:
There wasn't any story that inspired me to write this one. More like reading the early Drizzt novels and writing a bunch of Highlander fic.
Unfortunately, I don't know of any other HL/FR crossovers, either.
Thanks for the review.
Regress posted a comment on Monday 7th August 2006 2:46pm
*DUM DUM DUUUUUUUUM* The plot thickens :)
I was very saddened to find such a wonderful story in both the highlander and forgotten realms fandoms left abandoned, and I'm even more saddened after having read such wonderful work. You've a spectacular story, worthy of standing beside the tales of Drizzt Do'Urden and the tales of Elminster as some of the best of the realms. Forgive me, I tend to wax poetic after a particularly good read, and I'm sure you ego needs no more stroking than it already gets. Still, your work is brilliant as usual, and I'm glad to have had the opportunity to enjoy it.
Crys replied:
Thank you for the incredible compliment, but I'm afriad I can't agree that I can stand beside the likes of RA Salvatore or Ed Greenwood.
Though my ego thanks you for saying so anyway. :)
Glad you enjoyed the stories.
Brad Crawford posted a comment on Sunday 7th May 2006 2:58pm
i hope you will continue this some day! i love the story so far it is excellent!
Rift120 posted a comment on Thursday 29th December 2005 3:13pm
Hmm interesting.
I wonder if our dear immortal will meet the Simbul or Elminster?
The reason I ask is simple.. BOTH of them not only know of earth (or at least A earth), but also have access to the means to get there.
Elminster used to do it regularly for a series of articles Ed Greenwood wrote for Dragon magazine (Incidentally so did wizards from Greyhawk and Dragonlance...)
THe Simbul followed Elminster on one of these outings
Steven Augart posted a comment on Wednesday 21st September 2005 12:28am
I have quite enjoyed reading this story. And, although I used to play D&D, I do not know what "Forgotten Realms" or "HL" (HighLander? I never watched it in any case) are. This is a tribute to your good writing that you were able to hold my interest. I stayed up late last night (until one in the morning; I have to get up at 7:20) in order to read as far as I could, and I've just finished it.
I gather that you consider the story done, and that's fine. Thank you for the work you put into this. It shows.
There are some formatting problems with the text here -- for instance, I was not able to read any of the dialogue produced by Flick, the talking dagger. I am willing to help you fix this problem if you wish.
verahsa posted a comment on Tuesday 20th September 2005 2:35pm
Hi! Thought I'd opine quietly from one of your pieces.
As an aside, I was very amused by the FR/HL crossover, it's well written and entertaining. =)
Secondly, love the layout. Yeah, it's the same as the others, but it's still very nice. Thank you for taking the time to convert everything (I know exactly how much of a hassle that can be).
It's much more pleasant re-reading some of your other works since.
While I got interested in you from your Potter works, seeing some of your other works has been enlightening. Your writing skills are superb.
I wasn't much on the HL/FK/XF/JAG/Clancy crossover, yet it was still good enought that I read the whole thing. That says something. =)
Thank you for putting so much effort into both writing and putting it in this format. I appreciate it.
fyrecat posted a comment on Monday 30th May 2011 6:20pm