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EdTheBeast posted a comment on Monday 7th January 2019 1:09pm for Hogwarts Tally Sheet

Excellent! This is a real short for Remus!

Noble Korhedron posted a comment on Monday 15th August 2016 4:51pm for Hogwarts Tally Sheet

Oh God, this is HILARIOUS; nice one, thanks!!

Celexs posted a comment on Friday 22nd June 2012 9:24pm for Hogwarts Tally Sheet

This is something that I could see becoming a highly entertaining thing to observe. Excellent work.


Twylyte posted a comment on Sunday 15th April 2012 4:45am for Hogwarts Tally Sheet

Oh that is just BRILLIANT! I'd love to see this in a story, it's just that good. It could be one of those fanon things that everyone uses, like Language Lozenges.

Great little ficlet.


StarrySkies posted a comment on Friday 5th August 2011 3:28pm for Hogwarts Tally Sheet

I have to tell you, I've read this many times. I think it's both a great idea and a well written fic. Every once in a while I do a run through of my "Favorite Fics" links and since I added this story to the folder, it's never come back off. Just thought you might like to know that.

Crys replied:

I do appreciate that. Always nice to know that people continue to read and enjoy my stories.

Zucht posted a comment on Sunday 3rd July 2011 12:20am for Hogwarts Tally Sheet

Funny story, would love a chapter where Harry messes with Draco and some of the others.

delrusant posted a comment on Sunday 3rd October 2010 8:38am for Hogwarts Tally Sheet

i love the marauder activated data ;-)

goku90504 posted a comment on Saturday 24th April 2010 10:05pm for Hogwarts Tally Sheet

Brilliant! should have become part of a larger story!!

Lathena posted a comment on Monday 15th February 2010 11:06pm for Hogwarts Tally Sheet

awesome idea! I love it.

Ken Warner posted a comment on Wednesday 21st October 2009 11:18am for Hogwarts Tally Sheet

It had been several years since i read this p Nd enjoyed it just as much this time

serenity16 posted a comment on Saturday 26th September 2009 9:30am for Hogwarts Tally Sheet

awesome and very useful lol Harry could get into alot of mischief with that.

Koalasco posted a comment on Friday 21st August 2009 6:51pm for Hogwarts Tally Sheet


Hilarious! Rally funny!

I Loved It! It's really original...

Chindabe posted a comment on Monday 20th July 2009 10:05am for Hogwarts Tally Sheet

LOL. My eye started to twitch (no, really, it did! 8D) at shagging.


Grozt posted a comment on Monday 26th January 2009 3:13am for Hogwarts Tally Sheet

I really like thi one too

mac_gin posted a comment on Sunday 7th December 2008 9:47pm for Hogwarts Tally Sheet

Malfart - Into other mischief, Moaning Myrtles' bathroom, ewwwww

Astronomy Tower + Shagging = 2, nuff said

Different apartment, whats M Hooch up to:>

monsterhunterz posted a comment on Wednesday 19th November 2008 2:47am for Hogwarts Tally Sheet

are ya gonna write another chapter or not?

Crys replied:

Afraid this is just a one-shot.

WorldOfLilyEvans posted a comment on Saturday 25th October 2008 2:16am for Hogwarts Tally Sheet

Brilliant! Have you incorporated this into any of your other fics? That would be cool!

-xxx- Malou

Crys replied:

Sorry, haven't put that into any fics.

Thanks for the review.

kenderlyn posted a comment on Tuesday 7th October 2008 9:14am for Hogwarts Tally Sheet

Y'know, what I like best about this is the way it ends... The non-slashers can blissfully believe that Harry's going to prank him, and the slashers can blissfully believe that Harry's going to snog him...

Crys replied:

*shudder*   If that's what they want to believe . . .

Thanks for reviewing.

LKK posted a comment on Wednesday 3rd September 2008 8:47am for Hogwarts Tally Sheet

Nice. You can just imagine all the things Harry will do to Draco and the rest of Hogwarts.

Milarqui posted a comment on Saturday 16th February 2008 8:39pm for Hogwarts Tally Sheet

Ooooh, why didn't you continue with this?? I wanted to know where Malfoy is!!

Crys replied:

Why should I spoil it?   As long as I don't tell you, your own mind can keep coming up with all sorts of wonderful scenarios all on its own.

Thanks for reviewing.