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EdTheBeast posted a comment on Saturday 12th January 2019 8:44pm for Sever

I love this one, though I'm not syure if Harry owed anything to Hermione.

Shadowdog posted a comment on Saturday 10th September 2016 5:50am for Sever

I honestly expected Heather's jokes about Harry to be sexual so I'm glad you went this route.

asteroid posted a comment on Sunday 1st December 2013 1:58am for Sever

That's amazing.

Joel Fischoff posted a comment on Friday 26th November 2010 8:04pm for Sever

I don't normally like fics where Ron/Ginny/Molly betray Harry, and really don't like ones where Hermione does... but I like this one. It brings an Evil Grin(tm) to my face while reading it. Thanks!

dennisud posted a comment on Thursday 25th November 2010 7:26pm for Sever

In some distant diseased filled universe this Hermione might have done this, course that might be the same universe where Harmione/Daco fics are facts.
Thank Gods that's a very small reality!


Jonathan Langford posted a comment on Wednesday 24th November 2010 5:31pm for Sever

This is really delightful. I can only wish that it wasn't part of the dream journal but actually the beginning of a story... except that I wouldn't really want to read the rest of the story, since the only characters I like from this one (besides Harry) are Fred and George. Oh, yes, and the goblins.

David Thacker posted a comment on Wednesday 3rd February 2010 1:44am for Sever

I just do not see Hermione doing this but it is a good chapter.

Cynrom posted a comment on Thursday 29th October 2009 3:21pm for Sever

I love this last one!

Bobboky posted a comment on Monday 4th May 2009 1:38am for Sever

very good

corwalch posted a comment on Sunday 26th April 2009 3:49am for Sever

I LOVED THIS CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Crys replied:

Glad you enjoyed it.

fanficaddict posted a comment on Saturday 25th April 2009 10:30am for Sever

the story is great

Crys replied:

Glad you're enjoying it.

noylj posted a comment on Wednesday 24th December 2008 10:17am for Sever

The only "problem" here is Arthur getting screwed.

joeBob posted a comment on Tuesday 23rd December 2008 8:05pm for Sever

OK, the premise seems a little over the top -- especially the idea that Fred and George would be affected. They are legal adults and not primary in the Weasley succession.

Hermione is not of legal age "Head of Granger" or not. She would need a wizarding guardian's approval (Dumbles or some ministry office).

But, after setting up the straw-man (and OOC to various degrees) villains; it *was* fun to see them get their comeuppance.

redjacobson posted a comment on Saturday 13th December 2008 11:45am for Sever

You know, I had an evil thought after reading the story and some of the reviews. I like the idea that Hermione and Ginny had planned to be enslaved, but I'm thinking that Harry was actually in on it! Harry, Hermione and Ginny, with help from a couple of others, planned this, and, to keep Snape and Dumbles from figuring it out, removed the memory until after the ceremony.

Now I just have to figure out why they did it!

Crys, I think you might have more than one story inspired by this little ditty! *GRIN*


Crys replied:

Hey, if you want to write a continuation, go for it!   All I ask is a link-back.

Hmm.   Ideas you can use or ignore as you will:

The three want to be together/married, but the parents (Molly and one/both Granger parents) consider them too young.   They're trying to find SOME way for the three to be together and they came at this as a "come at it sideways, think outside the box" idea.   Ron being caught in it was an unexpected side-effect.  

The really amusing possibility is for Arthur to show up about now and shout, "Molly does NOT have my authorization to speak for House of Weasley!"   Effects: WWW is not pulled from the twins nor any of the other Weasley assets removed from the family (Wizengamot seat, Burrow, etc).   Ron, Ginny, and Molly, as instigators, are held to the terms already handed down on them.   So's Hermione.   So, the two girls are still Harry's slaves (which they wanted) and Ron's still indebted to WWW for so many tens of thousands of galleons.   Molly, as she illegally tried to usurp power of Head of House . . . all sorts of punishments could be there, from expulsion to slavery to Arthur or Harry.

Urk.   I'd better stop now before this bunny bites me.   Anyway, I'd love to see your extension of the idea.

tmorley posted a comment on Saturday 6th December 2008 11:26pm for Sever

Some of the reviews say that Hermione is OOC and shouldn't be playing with laws she doesn't understand.

Maybe she understands all too well. Ending up as Harry's slaves was intentional. The only way for Harry to break out from under Dumbledore's thumb is to totally break his links to the Weasleys.

Hermione has wanted a relation ship with Harry anyway, and a marriage between a muggleborn and a 'Lord' would have been a virtual slavery anyway. So She is happy to sacrifce a little freedom to save Harry from DD.

Ginny just wanted to be Harry's anyway 8-)

And Ron getting shafted was just the icing on the cake!

Crys replied:

You're the only one to propose that this outcome was intentional for the two girls.   Entertaining theory and could be a fun fic in itself.

Thanks for reviewing.

Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Friday 5th December 2008 4:54am for Sever

LOL at this. I somehow doubt Hermione would be so dumb as to do such a thing without careful forethought but still, very funny indeed.

Illusia posted a comment on Saturday 29th November 2008 1:12am for Sever

Oh, this was priceless. Really made my day. I can't understand why I don't always read notices from your updates first :D
I'd really like to read more of this if it can be continued on the same vicious line. *grins*

Ben Russell-Gough posted a comment on Thursday 27th November 2008 11:11pm for Sever

Ironic indeed. This would make a very interesting betrayed!Harry story, especially if the magical enslavement included some kind of subconscious conditioning that made Ron, Ginny and Hermione automatically subservient to Harry and driven to reflexively obey his commands. Harry is nice enough that he would be unlikely to be a nasty master, but that doesn't mean that he would forgive this betrayal or allow his former friends to forget that this is own doing. >D

Molly's shortsightedness (and, yes, I have to assume that she is the instigator in this) has destroyed the house of Weasley. Fred and George are right to bail whilst they can. Arthur... well, if he survives the heartbreak of losing Fred, George, Ron and Ginny, he will still be a totally broken man, dependent on Dumbledore's generosity to even survive.

Alternately, this could just be turned into the basis of a rather cheap and tacky Harry/slave smutfic. ;-)

BTW - I don't think that Dumbledore will be interested in purchasing Ginny for Molly. In his disinterested opinion, the Weasleys would simply be reaping what they had sown through cowardice and greed.

LeprechaunJV posted a comment on Thursday 27th November 2008 10:45pm for Sever

How's that for irony - indeed.....
Excellent .......

Sannah posted a comment on Thursday 27th November 2008 5:01pm for Sever

Ok, that was very entertaining. I loved it. Poor Harry, he has some strange dreams, haha.