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Shadowdog posted a comment on Friday 9th September 2016 10:30pm for Never Let Go

Oh man is love to see this one play out too

Micky0077 posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd January 2013 4:40pm for Never Let Go

My new most favorite lines (of the moment):

"Ginny, there's a point of taste and subtlety in any conversation that you shouldn't cross."

"Am I about to cross that point?"

"No, no; look behind you."

Crys replied:

much as I'd love to take credit for that line, I must admit it came from an episode of West Wing.   Glad you're enjoying my stories.

dennisud posted a comment on Thursday 25th November 2010 6:53pm for Never Let Go

They ARE like that aren't they!
Still i'd be nice to see the results none the less!

runnerman87 posted a comment on Saturday 27th September 2008 7:41am for Never Let Go

I love how Harry's subconscious is quoting 'The West Wing.' It was a nice touch, though I'm not sure when (or if) that show made it to Britain.

Crys replied:

Glad you caught the reference.   Even if the timing works (which I don't think it does), I can't imagine the Dursleys would've watched it.   Far too cerebral.

Naw, the line just fit into the situation and I used it.

Thanks for reviewing.

Mionefan posted a comment on Thursday 25th September 2008 3:00am for Never Let Go

These are so cute. I love the solution. The next one is even better, keep it up.

dogbertcarroll posted a comment on Wednesday 24th September 2008 3:47am for Never Let Go

"Am I about to cross that point?"

"No, no; look behind you."

LOL! Loved that bit.

Crys replied:

Wish I could take credit for it, but saw it on an ep of "West Wing".   Great line, so I thought I'd borrow it.

gadriam posted a comment on Wednesday 24th September 2008 3:46am for Never Let Go



squidtamer posted a comment on Tuesday 16th October 2007 3:25pm for Never Let Go

AH! Bad dream to wake from and miss the end...

impliedauthor posted a comment on Tuesday 9th October 2007 3:41am for Never Let Go

Some of these are really interesting. And I agree with your Harry, "It's annoying how my dreams always stop before I learn how they end." I'd love to learn what happens!

Gaelyn posted a comment on Monday 8th October 2007 1:31am for Never Let Go

Ok...this last plot bunny of yours...I would REALLY get a kick out of a story that was based on that!

The potential for humor, for the two witches to give the "Power" by marrying him, there's just so much that could be done.

Great stuff! I'm looking forward to more of your work.


razor_M posted a comment on Tuesday 2nd October 2007 10:56pm for Never Let Go

hahahahahah!! potter is one lucky son of a bitch!! jeeze, thats awesome!

Milarqui posted a comment on Tuesday 2nd October 2007 1:08am for Never Let Go

It was really funny! If only you just put one dream that only features a H/G and not a H/G/Hr (I don't like this one at all)

Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Monday 1st October 2007 3:04am for Never Let Go

LOL. That was absolutely brilliant. I especially like the fact Harry just outflew his broom. Great idea for a dream. More of these please.

UdderPD posted a comment on Sunday 30th September 2007 1:57am for Never Let Go

Aww, poor Harry.

Infin1x posted a comment on Saturday 29th September 2007 1:27pm for Never Let Go

This would have been really lame if it was made into a full story, very cliched. But this short slightly surreal/comedic approach makes it work nicely.

Crys replied:

I thought so too, which is why I left it in the short, incomplete stage.   There are somethings that could be added (trying to live like this for a day or two), but not enough to turn this into a full-on story.

Thanks for the review.

Illusia posted a comment on Saturday 29th September 2007 4:12am for Never Let Go

This was so funny! Just imagening their faces :)

gadriam posted a comment on Friday 28th September 2007 5:01pm for Never Let Go

I agree with Harry on this one. It would be fun to see what this kind of story would end up as with a competent author.

brad posted a comment on Friday 28th September 2007 7:42am for Never Let Go

I've always liked that multi-chaptered short story you wrote a while ago, about 'the morning after the night before', where Harry, Hermione and Ginny matter-of-factly realise that both girls love Harry and that they can both share him and live 'happily ever after'? Lovely feel to that story, no action or angst, just a satisfying coda to Harry's tale, where we read the final words and are happy for him and the girls, knowing that he's found love and will be content. Beats the hell out of a limp 'All was well'. :-)

Anyway, this has echoes of that story, although a little more contrived :-). I enjoyed the HBP corrections :-) - it seems Harry's dream!Hermione here didn't have the lobotomy that JKR gave her in the sixth book, re 'Won-won and Lav-lav'? Good show. Also agreed that Ginny's jealousy game was a 'very juvenile thing to do', although if she's stuck to Harry I'll try hard to believe that her personality, too, was 'skewed' from the canon!brat!Ginny that I so dislike.

I am a little miffed,though, that at no point does Hermione mention that *she's* in love with Harry. NOT in love with Ron, sure; but nothing positive with regard to Potter. I would have liked a sentence or two along those lines just to cement things in.

And clever final line, of course, leading into that 'happy ending'. Thanks for the story!

Crys replied:

Contrived?   Well, there is that :)

> I turned to Hermione.   "Help," I pleaded in an unsteady voice.
> She smiled.   "Oh, goody.   I get to wash your front, then?"

Okay, I don't explicitly state that Hermione loves him, but I thought that line implied the hell out of it.

Thanks for the review.

Ravenclawchaser68 posted a comment on Friday 28th September 2007 2:43am for Never Let Go

Oh, you're a bastard. That was a fun little story, and you just haaaaaad to leave it hanging there. Thanks for writing.

Chris1 posted a comment on Thursday 27th September 2007 11:18pm for Never Let Go


Lovely :D Reminds me of that fic on, where Harry, Ron and Hermione get stuck together that way ^_^

Of course, I like your version better :D

Thanks for sharing this with us :)
