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jalva200 posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd June 2010 11:31pm

wow feel so cheated

started ok went to ah ends shitty

jalva200 posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd June 2010 11:21pm


jalva200 posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd June 2010 11:06pm

hate ron so hoope he dies

jalva200 posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd June 2010 4:23pm

awesome story

Nights_Silhouette posted a comment on Saturday 29th May 2010 7:18pm

An intresting story, keep it up.

Hemotem posted a comment on Friday 14th May 2010 2:17pm

Okay that ending was weird in its self I had figured that Harry would get married and stay married to at least one of the girls. It did take me by surprise and I look forward to seeing more of your writing in the future.


Yanagi posted a comment on Wednesday 5th May 2010 9:23am

I really liked this. I think the end was perfect. Excellent work.

cephis posted a comment on Wednesday 17th March 2010 1:36pm

I agree with all of the comments, Harry had more money as 12k would not fill a room of a "trust vault" although, I agree that it is a enough for a trust vault. Another beef if that the Malfoys would not of invested their new worth without a prudent reserve. It seemed to me that you wanted to stick it to Harry.

mpop posted a comment on Thursday 25th February 2010 10:38pm

The beginning and body of the story were very good.
The ending however...
Maybe it's just because I'm such a big fan of the hero gets the girl(s).

aidanrow posted a comment on Saturday 20th February 2010 9:42pm

just finished reading this story and i thought it was really good but i was a bit dissapointed with the ending sorry. i liked the thought of harry and daph in the end but oh well. it was a great read!

rflash posted a comment on Saturday 13th February 2010 1:57pm

The story started very well, but the last chapters are a bit of a dissapointment.

1. Harry declared dead so that Tracey is freed is a very poor idea. No matter how stupid wizarding law is I really don't see this possible. If a law is passed that will outlaw chattel it stand to reason that current Masters have the possibility to free the slave wifes.

2. Given the fact that Daphne is willing to bed Harry I find it highly unplausable that it didn't happen given the fact she had months. I expected to do everything but and this has alot of potential at least for some witty remarks.

3. I hate that Harry is single at the end and again it just doesn't feel right. At the very least I expected some kind of explination as why.

mcgurrin posted a comment on Friday 5th February 2010 6:59pm

I liked it.

David Thacker posted a comment on Wednesday 3rd February 2010 12:56am

I do not recall read this chapter when it was posted it is good.

Elia950 posted a comment on Friday 29th January 2010 2:58pm

uhm ._. i don't really know what to say..
I really really liked how this story started.. it was going at a right place, and it was fast to read.. the lastest chapters have sadly, in my opinion, ruined the story a little..
I really loved how Tracy and Daphne where in this story and liked a lot too an Hermione who didn't like Ron.. i never liked him.
Well from the start you could see that this was going to end with at last one between Tracy, Daphne and Hermione dieing.. tough for as much as i like Hermione i would have prefer her as Daphne..
I know that a lot of stories of this 'type' doesn't end with romance or the like but i have got to say that i'm a little disappointing about this.. i acutally tough that Daphne would in the end be with Harry and Tracy would remain with him even if not like daphne..
I actually expected Hermione to be with Neville..
What can i say? i love a lot stories like this.. but sadly i'm one of 'The pairing is FONDAMENTAL in choosing what story to read'.. and i read very few stories that have a pairing i don't like o no pairing at all..
I'm a romantic.. and as such while the situation wasn't very good for romance i tough that it would have end up with a little more of that.. especially between harry\daphne\tracey..
apart from that i have to congratulate you for a very good story!!
Sorry if with this review i offended you in any way.. >.<

Riegert8 posted a comment on Friday 1st January 2010 8:36pm

This is a good story, I just did not care how it ended. I thought that Harry would be paired with Tracy or Daphne, I have some hope that it will be both. At the end of story Hermione is paired with Nevile and Tracy is with Blaise,It seem that out the three Harry is the only that not paired with anyone.

Riegert8 posted a comment on Tuesday 29th December 2009 8:15pm

Very good story

Zicou posted a comment on Friday 27th November 2009 8:44pm

That was an awesome story, i don't know why i never got any warning of a new chapter since the 5 one.... so you can imagine my surprise yesterday when i saw it was complete!
So .. again, it was Awesome,i was surprised by your end, and that's great, it's not often we are surprised by an Epilogue !
Hope to read more of your stories soon.

Wolfman posted a comment on Wednesday 18th November 2009 6:48am

Wise words from the tiny Prof.!

jraven posted a comment on Saturday 14th November 2009 1:20pm

it was one of the best I've read in a while

Crys replied:

Glad you enjoyed it.

typa posted a comment on Monday 2nd November 2009 4:59pm

Like many others, I am curious as to what prompted the suddens shift from the earlier chapters to the last three.

Things really were moving along well, then it seemed like you were in a hurry to just put something out. We had some nice, couple thousand word chapters, then it seems as though things ran out of steam.

I am surprised you killed off Daphne, she and Harry had the most chemistry as you've written it.

While it's nice to see Harry as the Minister, it's a little disappointing that the ending came so quickly after a short battle and snap climax.

I loved the beginning, but the ending has left me with mixed feelings.