Raid and Ron
By Crys
BlameTheNargles12 posted a comment on Saturday 30th November 2013 11:33am for Raid and Ron
I have two things to say and a question-
1. I really like how you aren't making Ginny a bitchy whore, because there are a lot of people who do that.
2. I now love LOVE Tracey/Daphne/Harry because you wrote this SOOOO well.
3. Is this Neville/Hermione? It seems like it...
Crys replied:
1 & 2: glad you're enjoying it
3: there are definite elements of that in here, but I don't give a definite answer one way or another. I leave that for you to decide.
reader1writer1 posted a comment on Monday 6th June 2011 12:08pm for Raid and Ron
very exciting. I love take-charge Harry and Neville. I thought we'd see Luna warming up to the Harry/Daphne/Tracey trio.
jalva200 posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd June 2010 11:06pm for Raid and Ron
hate ron so hoope he dies
Meteoricshipyards posted a comment on Monday 19th October 2009 4:52am for Raid and Ron
I don't know why, but I didn't get notice that the story had been updated. Very good. Left at an exciting point. Good thing the next chapter is already done, then I wouldn't have to curse you for leaving a cliffie.
I didn't think that that was much Ron bashing. I did expect Hermione to charge him, but, oh well.
Like how Neville and Hermione have moved the DA to an active force. That's not seen much.
Thanks for the story. Good work!
Tom A.
Harry2 posted a comment on Tuesday 6th October 2009 7:58am for Raid and Ron
good story and nice character development.
i tried to read the story from the beginning but i couldn't get to the most recent page. do you know why?
Crys replied:
Everything appears to be there now. Maybe the website had a hiccup.
Thanks for reading
TurtleBlue posted a comment on Sunday 4th October 2009 10:51am for Raid and Ron
Been following this fic with eager anticipation and much enjoyment but this chappy left me with this quandry: wha happen with the weasel bashing? The cliffie at the I am ok with but where is the won-won blood and gore that should be splattered all over the griffie commonroom?
Harry is being trained by flicwick for weeks and yet Ron catches him with a sucker punch right in the kisser!?! While he is with his two wives in the "sacred safe halls of hoggywarts"!
Bit of a letdown if you ask me. At least I had hoped that grainger would have made sure that ron's block and tackle was no longer attached.
William Lack posted a comment on Wednesday 30th September 2009 11:12pm for Raid and Ron
So what exactly was Harry doing in the bedroom with his shirt off and Daphne needing to adjust her robe as she came out when Tracey arrived with news of Ron's attempted rape of Hermione .....? Had Tracey been asked to be elsewhere while Daphne's virginal status was being 'adjusted'?
please post faster than once a fortnight as I can't take the waiting....!
Crys replied:
You're the first person to ask about why he was coming out of his bedroom without a shirt, followed by Daphne adjusting her clothing.
The PG version is that she was healing his back/shoulder (she's his de facto physician) after a training accident and chose to remove her robes (while retaining the rest of her clothing) while doing so.
Now, if you want to spin some other possible scenario . . .
Thanks for reading.
Susan Burton posted a comment on Wednesday 30th September 2009 11:55am for Raid and Ron
This story is getting better and better with each chapter. Please don't keep us waiting for the next chapter. I look forward to seeing the next installment.
Bob Officer posted a comment on Wednesday 30th September 2009 8:54am for Raid and Ron
Nice job of Ron bashing.
Harry putting Bumbles in his place was a good scene.
I found all too many problems with Dumbledore and his being so wise.
The large logic gap in the story is if peter is still alive, and peter was the promise keeper, then the Potter cottage would still be invisible. Canon Didn't mention the release of a fidelis charm other than the death of the secret keeper or the the secret keeper directly or indirectly giving away the secret.
Hagrid should not have been able to locate the cottage on Dumbledore's instructions.
Illusia posted a comment on Wednesday 30th September 2009 4:56am for Raid and Ron
nice ending. really looking forward to the next chapter.
What bothered me most about the chattel is that I can't see a reason why Harry would obey the expectations of a pureblood society. It's not been said that there is a law to say how chattel must be handled nor can they be taken away from him if he doesn't treat them as such, so why would he worry about it? there's no magic bond that would break and harm them if he didn't acknowledge them as slaves, there's just a bunch of purebloods wanting it so and it irks me that Harry is basically saying 'I'll obey you'. I don't understand why he would. Is there something else, besides purebloods, that force him to say they're chattel?
Crys replied:
It's mostly peer pressure. Society (including several who he actually listens to [Nev, Tracey, Daphne]) is saying that this is how he's supposed to act.
He isn't acting completely as society wants. He's not micro-managing them, treating them as house-elves, or using them as sex toys/favors.
He's acting in some visible ways to how the pure-bloods want, but not to the extent that they want. He's trying to find a happy medium.
You're right that he could completely ignore society, but that has repercussions. The girls will be taken advantage of (they have no legal rights), and he'll lose some social standing. Annoying as THAT is, it IS a concern when he is honest with himself about it.
That was all kind of rambling, but I think I answered it.
Thanks for reading
MarinePotterfan posted a comment on Tuesday 29th September 2009 2:36pm for Raid and Ron
Thanks for writing
Hawklan posted a comment on Tuesday 29th September 2009 4:20am for Raid and Ron
ohh I hope that was not all what will happen to Ron after what he tried, even if they now have such minor things like a battle on their mind *g*
I was suprised about the mellow reaction of Dumbledore.
Rob8 posted a comment on Sunday 27th September 2009 8:40pm for Raid and Ron
liking this story more and more... the interesting take on chattel works really well as well as the reaction from certain people.. looking forward to seeing how this pans out... and I dont mean the fight with Voldie... keep up the great work. Rob
djo posted a comment on Sunday 27th September 2009 7:59pm for Raid and Ron
are we approaching the end or is this 'just' a first (sort of) clash of arms???
I have a feeling we have not seen the last of Ron; something bad will come of him...
LynnTerald posted a comment on Saturday 26th September 2009 8:57pm for Raid and Ron
Cliffys. Hate them. The story is good thus far and well paced. I wouldn't mind at all if the next chapter didn't end with Voldemort's death.
noylj posted a comment on Saturday 26th September 2009 8:20pm for Raid and Ron
Oh, very nice...and I have absolutely no idea what Harry has planned. I would think that Bumbles, as much as I hate the "man," would be a welcome addition. Though I also do not know if he really has enough fight in him since he can't even punish a teacher or student for attempted rape.
I almost expect to see Ron come out of the house...
I can see Neville and Hermione being a couple, but I still would prefer her to be Harry's prime wife. Oh well...Nev does care a LOT for and about her (insufferable know-it-all [IKIA, as I like to call her] that she is).
Crys replied:
The clues for what Harry has been doing are there. It'll be explained by the end.
AD could be an asset in the fight, but Harry also is planning for the worst. If he and his fighting force are assaulting the Dolohov estate, what happens if Voldy and company decide to attack Hogwarts at that moment. He's making sure his home base is in capable hands. AD may be many things, but nobody would think him disloyal to Hogwarts.
You're not the only one who'd be surprised to find Ron with the deez. Given enough time, he probably would join, but there hasn't been enough time for that.
Hermione would make someone (Neville, Harry, Terry, Justin, SOMEONE) a good wife, but only if they can see her personality as what it is. She is nagging, but that bad trait covers a whole lot of good. If you can get through the few bad, she's quite a catch.
thanks for the review
rkwahl83 posted a comment on Saturday 26th September 2009 9:30am for Raid and Ron
really enjoy the story. can't wait to see the next part and what the signal will be.
serenity16 posted a comment on Saturday 26th September 2009 9:18am for Raid and Ron
Hurray another chapter :P loved it!!!
Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Saturday 26th September 2009 6:03am for Raid and Ron
Oops, looks like Ron's made the final step to "enemy to be neutralized and removed"; he'll come to heavily regret that. Meanwhile, that bit with "plausible denialbility" was nicely done the exchange with Lucius was amsuing; I don't think he quite expected Harry Potter to be so prepared. The final portion of the chapter as they prepare to move against Voldemort gives me to think that this phase of the story may be over shortly, but there's still a lot to do after dealing with Tommy-boy and that, itself, should make for quite a story.
Crys replied:
Ron managed to remove himself from the playing field. No further effort required, no matter how tempting it is to use him for target practice for localized cutting charms.
Thanks for the reviews.
NarutosBrat posted a comment on Monday 11th June 2018 2:57pm for Raid and Ron