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Eric Oppen posted a comment on Wednesday 25th April 2007 7:03am for One Hundred and Fifty-One to Two Hundred

How about having Voldie chase Luna, and corner her by the lake...just in time to find out a few things:
1) That the lake is actually an arm of the ocean
2) That Luna's got the "Innsmouth Look" and wasn't just running, but running for help,
3) That Father Dagon, Mother Hydra and the rest of the Deep Ones from "The Shadow Over Innsmouth" don't LIKE drylanders threatening their kin?

Crys replied:

Sorry, but I don't even recognize the genre.

Patches posted a comment on Wednesday 25th April 2007 5:27am for One Hundred and Fifty-One to Two Hundred

Madam Pince strikes again! This was good. I like it and Lucius did it! I also like "Death by Dementors". Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. pms

John Lee Howard posted a comment on Wednesday 25th April 2007 4:07am for One Hundred and Fifty-One to Two Hundred

I feel as though something is missing here... like 48 of them.

Crys replied:

I'll add more to the existing chapter as ideas are sent in.   I did the previous chapters the same way.